From our President
W HAT AN HONOUR it has been to hold the position of National President of Speech Pathology Australia for the past three and a half years. During that time I have had the opportunity to work closely with so many talented people, to participate in and promote the countless exciting projects and initiatives undertaken by the Association and to witness firsthand the dedication, innovation and passion of our members. It has been an absolute privilege. But all good things must come to an end and in September this year I will step down from this role. I am absolutely delighted to announce that Professor Deborah Theodoros will be taking up the baton and will move into the role of National President from 1 September 2013. Deborah will already be well known to many of you through her distinguished career in academic leadership and research. But, for those of you less familiar with Deborah’s work, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to your President-elect. Deborah is currently Professor and Head of Speech Pathology at the University of Queensland. Her academic career spans almost 18 years, half of which has been spent as Head of the Division of Speech Pathology. Prior to this, she held clinical positions as a speech pathologist and an audiologist at major metropolitan hospitals and as a speech pathologist in private practice.
Deborah is a founder and co-director of the multidisciplinary Telerehabilitation Research Unit within the University of Queensland. Her program of research in telerehabilitation has placed Australia at the forefront of this field in speech pathology and identified Deborah as a leading expert in the area. Deborah also has a keen interest in the application of simulated learning in speech pathology and has been active in leading investigation in this important arena. Deborah’s leadership, teaching and research skills are highly regarded. She has over 140 publications and book chapters, and three books to her name. She is in demand as a national and international speaker and holds several high level strategic appointments within Australia and abroad. I’m sure you will agree that Deborah’s breadth of experience across clinical, teaching, research and leadership domains means she is well connected to the everyday experiences of contemporary speech pathologists as well as to the political and strategic climate we operate in. This places her in an ideal position to lead the Association.
Chris Stone
Deborah Theodoros
Welcome Deborah.
Chris Stone National President
Speak Out June 2013
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