Speak Out February 2018
Association news
2017 research grants: Funded projects
Queensland Registration Board Legacy Grant
THERE WAS A RECORD NUMBER of applications for the 2017 research grant round. The New Researcher category attracted 21 applications, with eight in the Nadia Verrall Memorial Grant category and nine in the Queensland Review Board Legacy category. Applicants may choose to apply in more than one category. When this is taken into account, there was a total of 31 unique applications. Many thanks to the reviewers and congratulations to the winners. Victoria Sandham, University of Queensland, Queensland Health The evidence-based practices of Australian speech pathologists in providing communication services to children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Frances Cochrane, James Cook University How do Indigenous liaison officers support speech pathology services for Indigenous Australian adults with acquired neurogenic communication disorders? New Researcher Grant
Samantha Siyambalapitiya, Grifffith University Management of bi/multilingual aphasia in a hospital and health care setting: What happens in real-world clinical practice? Marleen Westerveld, Griffith University Examining the visual attention to print vs. pictures during school book reading in pre-schoolers with autism
Nadia Verrall Memorial Grant
Ruth Braden, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, University of Melbourne Investigating the definition and phenotype of congenital perisylvian disorders
Cori Williams Senior Advisor Evidence Based Practice and Research
A consultation room is available within a suite of three brand new offices at Southern Sydney Ditetetics in Kogarah. • Brand new consulting room • Admin support and car parking negotiable • Rates both casual and full time - Allied health sustainable rent • High visability ROOM FOR RENT - SOUTH SYDNEY
SOUTHERN SYDNEY DIETETICS Contact Alexandra McClelland (02) 8034 6465 www.southernsydneydietetics.com.au
Carlton North Allied Health is housed in a beautifully restored period house on 32 Princes Street Carlton North .
32 Princes Street features double glazed windows, soundproofing, restricted access via passcode, and is accessible by public transport, cycling and car. Timed street parking available for staff & clients. There are 4 consulting rooms . Two are furnished for consultations. The third is furnished and fully equipped children & family consulting room. The fourth is empty for those interested in furnishing it themselves or can be furnished on request.
Victoria / Tasmania Limited
Room rental includes • NBN wireless internet • landline phone use for local & mobile calls • use of reception area • fully equipped kitchen
Contact: Vivienne on 8394 9155 or 0409 200 065 carltonnorthalliedhealth@gmail.com
February 2018 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
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