Speak Out February 2018
type of childhood speech difficulty), graduating from Macquarie University in Sydney with a PhD in Clinical Linguistics. Her doctoral research resulted in publication of the Parents and Children Together (PACT) approach to the treatment of speech sound disorders in children. PACT is now an internationally recognised evidence-based treatment that supports collaboration between family, child and speech pathologist. It is a broad-based, family-centred phonological therapy in the course of whose implementation, speech and language pathologist enlist the active participation of parents and significant others. It requires family members to learn technical information and develop novel skills to use, with professional guidance, in relation to their own child and his or her specific speech clarity issues. Dr Bowen lectured at the Post Graduate level at Macquarie University, Department of Linguistics, during the 1990s and into the 2000s. Dr Bowen is a pioneer in the professional use of information and communication technology and social media in speech and language therapy. In 1998, Dr Bowen established a discipline-specific website (http:// speech-language-therapy.com) that provides a wealth of freely available and reliable information for consumers and professionals. The website annually has over 1 million ‘visits’. An extensive range of professional institutions link directly to this website. In 2012, Dr Bowen was awarded the Best Teacher Edublog Award for this site by the online education website, Edublog. In addition, Dr Bowen writes an internet column, “Webwords”, for the “Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology”. “Webwords” has appeared in every issue since 1999, providing topical, balanced and elegantly written critical information about internet resources on a vast range of speech pathology topics. Dr Bowen is the co-administrator of the @WeSpeechies Twitter handle, which in February 2015 had 3154 followers; and tweets herself under the Twitter handle @SpeechWoman. At Feburary 2015, her personal Twitter handle had 5169 followers. Until December 2014, Dr Bowen also administered the “Speech and Therapy” Facebook group.* In 2001, Dr Bowen established the online Phonological Therapy Group (phono-tx) for speech-language professionals to discuss topics relating to “Children’s Speech”. Dr Bowen continues to moderate this online forum of over 9,000 members, which includes clinicians, students, and researchers and academics in speech pathology/speech and language therapy, audiology, linguistics and education. (See https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/ phonologicaltherapy/info) Dr Bowen’s academic work, publications and other writing reveal a penetrating critical intellect. This, coupled with an extremely wide knowledge of the research in her field of specialisation, excellent communication skills, and a distinctive intellectual curiosity, invariably stimulates others to join her in her explorations.
Publications by Dr Bowen include four books, three book chapters, and many peer reviewed publications and conference proceedings. Her globally renowned book Children's Speech Sound Disorders (ISBN: 978-1-118-63402-8) is now in its second edition. One of the unique features of this book is that it reflects Dr Bowen’s ability to network and bring professionals and experts together. The book contains essays from 60 internationally respected academicians, clinicians, and researchers; representing the fields of audiology, clinical phonology, family therapy, and speech-language pathology and therapy. Dr Bowen’s first book, Developmental Phonological Disorders: A Practical Guide for Families and Teachers (ISBN: 0864312563), was translated into French, with the sales of the French edition exceeding those of the English publication. Dr Bowen has written extensively about Mr Lionel Logue and his treatment of King George VI’s stutter – given prominence in the Academy Awarding film, The King's Speech . An expert on Lionel Logue, she has consulted on a play and two books about Logue, and was credited by Logue's grandson as “starting the ball rolling” in putting the film's producers in touch with the Logue family. (See www.asha.org) Despite retiring from full-time clinical practice, Dr Bowen regularly serves Speech Pathology Australia behind the scenes on a volunteer basis and continues to provide advice and counsel to many in the profession as a mentor. Dr Bowen is engaged in consultancy for international projects, including professional publication, website content and app development, motion pictures, children's television, and theatre. She remains deeply committed to the issue of Aboriginal reconciliation, and is a part of the relevant community networks within her own region, in the Blue Mountains in NSW. The Board of Directors and the membership of Speech Pathology Australia therefore have no hesitation in wholeheartedly supporting this nomination of Dr Caroline Bowen for The Order of Australia.
Update: At February 2018, the @WeSpeechies Twitter handle had 10,113 followers and @SpeechWoman has 10,446 followers.
February 2018 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
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