Speak Out Feb 2020 DIGITAL EDITION. pdf

in practice

Ask SPA? My NDIS registration is going to lapse at the end of March, what do I have to do? Do I have to be audited by then? NDIS

The registration date you have received on your certificate of registration from the Commission is simply the date by which you need to "hit the button" and indicate that you agree to be re- registered. This involves: 1. Logging on to the Commission portal using your PRODA details 2. Going to ‘overview’ on the lefthand task bar from the ‘my registration’ screen 3. Hitting ‘start formal renewal’, which will then ask if you wish to proceed to the application. If you indicate yes, and your renewal application is in ‘draft’ form, you will have fulfilled the requirements to remain registered for a further nine months, until the end of 2020. You will only need to have completed either the full verification audit, or alternatively stage one of your certification audit by the end of 2020, providing It is with great professional and personal regret and sadness that I inform members of Cathy Olsson’s decision to resign from her position as Speech Pathology Australia Senior Advisor Disability. Since Cathy commenced in the newly created role in 2014, at the time of the roll out of the NDIS, she has provided significant strategic input to advocacy, policies and submissions as well as providing excellent support information and resources for members. Cathy’s extensive knowledge and experience in the disability sector, in particular involving AAC and mealtime supports, has been invaluable and at the heart of all of her activities has been to ensure that people can access the services they require. Cathy’s expertise has also been well recognised outside our profession as reflected by her having held the position of Chair of the AHOA/NDIS role for several years, as well as numerous other representational roles. I know many members have benefitted from Cathy’s knowledge and all of us at National Office will miss her support and expertise. Cathy will be working at SPA until the end of February and during this time, we will recruit to her position. Please contact me directly if you have any questions. Nichola Harris Manager Professional Practice Thank you Cathy

you have started the renewal process. This means that you have some further time in which to decide whether you will go through the audit process or not but this does not commit you to being registered if you do change your mind. If you do not ‘hit the button’ by the date on your registration certificate then you will be removed from the NDIS provider register, and if you wish to re-register you will need to go through the full process, similar to a new provider. If you do ‘hit the button’ but do not undergo the audit process you will be removed from the register at the end of 2020. If members have further questions they can contact the NDIS and practice advisor at 1300 368 835 or advisor@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au, or the NDIS Commission directly on 1800 035 544. Erin West NDIS & Practice Advisor

Enhancing Communication for People with MND

March 5-6

Presenter: John Costello Affiliation: Director of the ALS Augmentative Communication Program, Boston Children’s Hospital Location: Sydney Date: 5-6 March, 2020 Register here: www.speakingmnd.eventbee.com


February 2020 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au

Speak Out

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