Speak Out Feb 2020 DIGITAL EDITION. pdf

Association news

Quality and safeguarding The Association has provided input on the need for development and structure of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework throughout the implementation of the NDIS. AHPA was consulted and provided feedback in the lead up to the recent changes in the National Quality and Safeguarding Framework which have meant that providers who are in an incorporated structure and providing low risk supports are only required to undertake verification rather than the more onerous and costly Certification. AHPA has also consistently promoted the position that allied health professionals are already appropriately and adequately regulated, in the case of speech pathologists through CPSP membership of Speech Pathology Australia, including for provision of early interventions supports, and identified the risks to choice and control for participants, and to a healthy and sustainable market, arising out of the requirement that providers registering to provide Early Childhood Supports undertake certification. Additionally, the Association has also contributed within a range of forums and directly with the NDIS Commission, to the development of standards for provision of oral eating and drinking supports for people with disability. The Future The role for the Association in this space shows no signs of abating, with the Disability Royal Commission continuing throughout 2020 and beyond. To date, the Association has provided a submission regarding education for children with

disability in Australia, and the barriers to access and inadequacies of the education system, and will be making submissions on accommodation services; health system access and issues for people with disabilities; people with cognitive impairment, and access to the justice system. The Association is planning to focus on access to the scheme, and Plan supports, for children with Developmental Language Disorder and Childhood Apraxia of Speech, and adolescents and adults who received these diagnoses as children and who continue to experience activity limitations and barriers to participation arising from their ongoing communication disability. To date, access to the NDIS for both of these populations has been variable, but with a general "trend" observable to limit access, and to "exit" children who entered the scheme under the early intervention criteria, despite them continuing to meet the Disability Access criteria. To date, a letter and briefing documents have been sent to the new Chief Executive Officer of the NDIA, and we are awaiting a response. The NDIS will be fully rolled out across Australia by July 2020, but it is clear that there will be a continued need for advocacy, and opportunities for collaboration, to help the Scheme to deliver its full promise for people with disabilities and for Australia as a forward looking nation. Cathy Olsson Senior Adviser Disability

Maximize the early language outcomes of all children Workshop space is limited! Register today.

Language Delay - It Takes Two to Talk® workshop

Wagga Wagga, NSW ............ Feb 12-14, 2020 Perth*, WA ............................... Jan 29-31, 2020

Brisbane, QLD ....................... Apr 15-17, 2020 Sydney, NSW ......................... Feb 5-7, 2020 Language Development - Learning Language and Loving it®

Brisbane, QLD....................... Mar 11-13, 2020 Sydney, NSW.......................... Mar 16-18, 2020 Autism - More Than Words®

*Indicates nearest major city



February 2020 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au

Speak Out

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