Speak Out Feb 2017
Association news
Professional Development Model Review
• incorporating interactive e-Posters in the conference program; • recording of short interviews
A review of SPA’s Professional Development was undertaken, facilitated by an independent consultant in conjunction with the PD Advisory Group (comprised of a range of SPA representatives). The final report went to the Board in early 2016 and included a series of recommendations that are currently being enacted. Actions to date have included: • Development of a PD Framework to identify and articulate the Guiding Principles of SPA Professional Development, to inform and guide SPA PD planning and execution (as included in Speak Out of June 2016); • seeking and including more detailed and explicit information to include on the flyer around level of workshop, learning objectives, and prerequisites; • revamped flyers to increase access to and specificity of information relevant to each CPD event; • continuing and increasing the range of online events – CPD live webinars and development of more online SPA PD resources; • increasing the currency of recordings in the CPD Events Library, with a process in place for frequency of review; • conference session reserved for latest research to be filled nearer the registration open date to ensure currency of information, with invitations being extended to innovative speakers;
Fosters continuous
with speakers at the National Conference with these videos provided to members in the monthly Evidence Bites emails;
SPA Professional Development Guiding Principles
Evidence- based
Facilitates translation to practice
Reflects SPA’s
• seeking information on evaluation methods and
Pedagogically sound
mechanisms for CPD and the Conference; • improving the website access to PD information with a single
Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) Professional Development Guiding Principles
point of entry to all PD information relating to the National Conference, Online Member Communities, CPD live online, Pre-recorded CPD, Branch CPD Workshops, and the National Tour; • developing resources to support members in planning, undertaking and reflecting on PD to support translation to practice, including the Professional Development Guidelines overleaf. There are also dedicated additional materials on the SPA website and we encourage members to check out the webpage with PD Guidelines and resources for Members.
February 2017 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Speak Out
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