Speak Out Feb 2017
What assistance do older people use?
91.3% Reading & writing
90.5% communication
help with healthcare 48.1% household chores
What type of supports do all people with disability use?
87.6% Reading & writing
The likelihood of living with disability increases with age, 2 in 5 people with disability were 65 years or older.
89.9% communication
help with healthcare 48.1% household chores
Speech pathology in schools landmark project Speech Pathology Australia has been commissioned by the NSW Department of Education to undertake a unique and exciting project during the first half of 2017. The project titled Speech Pathology in Schools aims to encourage NSW government school principals to engage speech pathologists to work in their school using a whole school (response to intervention) approach with the ultimate goal being improved outcomes for students. The “kit” of resources will include information for primary and secondary school principals, teachers and families with an additional resource for speech pathologists. The content of the “kit” will be developed in consultation with the necessary stakeholders including a SPA NSW DoE Project Expert Reference Group. The four parts in the total kit will be designed to complement, or be used independently of each other. SPA members will be able to contribute to the project by completing a survey which will be distributed to all members. Regular updates about the project will be included in Speak Out and National eNews. For more information please contact Mary Gornik who is the SPA Project Officer for the project by emailing mgornik@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Mary Gornik will work on the landmark Speech Pathology in Schools Project.
February 2017 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Speak Out
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