Speak Out Digital Edition June 2016

Professional Development

Percentage of Speech Pathology Australia attendees watching a recording at a specific time (all sessions)

The total registrations equalled 2921 individuals! With registrations for a number of future webinars, it brings the total to well over 3000 registrations. There have been a number of well attended webinars. ‘Update on Diagnosis of Childhood Apraxia of Speech’ had the greatest number of registrations at 526 registrations, followed by 470 registrations for ‘Paediatric feeding difficulties: What is the evidence for treatment?’ and 243 registrations for ‘Selective mutism assessment and intervention from a multi- disciplinary perspective’. Due to the composition of SPA membership – 98% female, many working part-time and many having family commitments, it is no surprise that there is a preference for choosing a recorded webinar over a live session. Choosing a recording allows for greater flexibility when deciding when a delegate wants to watch a webinar. While statistics showed that 30% of attendees had a preference to watch a recording between noon and 3pm (early afternoon) and 18% preferred watching a recording between 3pm and 6pm, a surprising number, 7%, enjoyed the quiet time, after the kids had been put to bed, between 9pm and midnight. Two percent were complete night owls and watched recordings between midnight and 6am in morning!

After dark/midnight to 6am

Before work/6am to 9am

Late evening/9pm to midnight

Early evening/6pm to 9pm

Late afternoon/ 4pm to 6pm

Morning/9am to noon


June 2016 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au

Speak Out

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