Speak Out December low res draft 2017
Branch News
Achievements celebrated at AGM
issues of equity, relationships and communication. Rosie will be stepping down from the executive for 2018, along with Nicole Hatch and Linda Williams so we wish them all well for their future endeavours. Congratulations to those newly elected members of the executive and we still have a couple of positions available so if this is something you have ever considered being involved in then please contact the branch via email to find out more tasbranch@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au. The full executive will be introduced in the first edition of Speak Out in 2018. To all Tasmanian SPA members we wish you a relaxing, joyful Christmas and holiday period and we look forward to your continued support and contributions in 2018.
On the second weekend in November the Tasmanian Branch held their AGM. Now we know that AGM stands for “Annual General Meeting” and that these tend to be rather dry, stodgy affairs but for the Tassie Branch we always try and make this a fun and sociable occasion where we can celebrate the profession and the achievements of the branch in the past 12 months. With this in mind maybe our AGM should stand for “Astounding Group Merriment”! Under the leadership of our chair Rosie Martin and vice-chair Cat Wood, we met in the Josef Chromy function room just outside Launceston and shared refreshments and stories from the year passed. We also had three interesting, informative presentations from Isobel Lewis, Kate Day and Jessica Marriot on some special projects they have been involved with this year. Thank you to all the members who attended the AGM and to the members of the executive for 2017. We would like to thank our Chairperson, Rosie Martin, for her luminous promotion of our profession throughout the year in her role as chair and also Tasmanian Australian of the Year. She has represented Speech Pathology with incredible style, grace and wisdom and has been an outstanding spokesperson for the
TAS 122 members as at October 2017
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December 2017 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Speak Out
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