Speak Out December low res draft 2017
NDIS: GST requirements Did you know that there are specific GST requirements when working under the NDIS? There has been an amendment to the GST Act specifically concerning the NDIS. Supports provided by speech pathologists under the NDIS are usually stated as GST free as speech pathologists are considered to be an “other health service”. The ATO has also determined that even when speech pathologists are seeing NDIA managed clients, this is still not considered to be government funding. Nevertheless, if you are seeing any participants under the NDIS (including self-managed, agency managed, or third-party plan managed) there are certain requirements that must be fulfilled. • The participant must have an approved plan that is current and in effect; • The supports must be seen as being reasonable and necessary; and, • There must be a written agreement between the participant/ participant’s representative and the provider, or the provider and the managing agency for non NDIA managed clients. This agreement must reference the participant’s plan and that the supplies provided are “reasonable and necessary”. Specifically the following sentence must be included in this agreement, (please note this sentence must be worded exactly as it is written): “A supply of supports under this Service Agreement is a supply of one or more reasonable and necessary supports specified in the statement of supports included, under subsection 33(2) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act), in the participant’s NDIS Plan currently in effect under section 37 of the NDIS Act.” More information is available on the following websites: • ATO website NDIS: types of accepted written agreement www.ato.gov.au/business/gst/in-detail/your-industry/gst- and-health/?page=8#madeunderawrittenagreement • From the Example Documents section of the new Pro- vider Toolkit www.providertoolkit.ndis.gov.au/sites/g/files/ net3066/f/samplemodelserviceagreementv2.0.pdf • in SPA’s document “GST and Speech Pathology Services” under Professional Resources, www.speechpathologyaus- tralia.org.au/SPAweb/Resources_For_Speech_Pathologists/ Professional_Resources/SPAweb/Resources_for_Speech_ Pathologists/Professional_Resources/Professional_Re- sources.aspx?hkey=9fb324b7-e92c-43b7-a203- 638f6bd60dba#ee
in practice
Do you and/or your staff conduct therapy off site in people’s homes? Mobile Services…
If you do, make sure you have identified potential risks and procedures for managing any safety concerns. A policy and procedure about safety for mobile therapists has been added to SPA’s Policy and Procedure Manual to help private practitioners identify and handle any potential risk. See SPA’s Private Practice Essential page for the manual and associated templates.
free resources
Free interpreting and translation service
Support for families under Better Start, HCWA, or the NDIS There is a free nationwide interpreting and translating service available that can be accessed when providing therapy supports under these funding sources. All you need to do is register an account attached to your relevant registration number, and you will be able to book onsite or phone interpreters. This is a free service for DSS and NDIS clients separate to their funding package, but please note that you will need to register an account for each funding stream. Visit the TIS National website www.tisnational.gov.au or call the client liaison team on 1300 655 820 to find out more and register an account. Free practice management software resources Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) has developed the following resources. • A contact list of potential software providers for allied health practitioners. • A spreadsheet that outlines the range of practice management software packages that are available to provider and the functions they each offer. See: www.ahpa.com.au/resources
Nichola Harris Acting Senior Advisor Professional Practice Erin West NDIS / Practice and Clinical Support Advisor
December 2017 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Speak Out
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