Speak Out December 2020
Branch News
SPA’s Queensland Branch has been conscious of making the most of the opportunities presented throughout the year to participate in events to raise awareness and support development across different areas of the profession. Stuttering Awareness Day and Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day were two examples of these. Stuttering Awareness Day Representatives of the Queensland Branch of SPA attended a Stuttering Awareness Day event. During the event an informative and relevant video was presented that SPA is attempting to access to then also make available for members. Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day International Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day was celebrated on 16 October 2020. The #DLDSeeMe campaign video was launched in 16 languages and nearly 100 locations were lit up in purple and yellow to shine light on this hidden condition. The Story Bridge and Victoria Bridge in Brisbane looked great on the night! QLD speech pathologists marking milestones for the profession in 2020
QLD 2267 members as at November 2020
QLD Branch representatives, Sue Park, head of the private practice portfolio for the QLD Branch, Current Branch Chair Marion Giddy, and incoming Branch Chair Kate Thompson.
Speak Out | December 2020
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