Speak Out December 2019 V2 DIGITAL EDITION
When you first join Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) as a new graduate you do not need to submit any continuing professional development (CPD) points* and you will be a Certified Practising Member with Provisional Status for a minimum of one year. How do I transition to full Certified Practising Membership? You have three years from course completion to complete all the eligibility requirements to transition from Provisional to full CPSP status. For example, if you graduated in June 2019, you will have until June 2022 to complete the requirements. If you graduated in December 2019, you will have until membership renewal in June 2023 (this is because December does not align with the SPA membership year). SPA strongly recommends you complete all the requirements in your first year after graduating. What are the requirements? INFORMATION FOR NEW GRADUATES
What are the modules and how do I access them? The modules are free for SPA members and are available on the Speech Pathology Australia website under Pre Recorded CPD on the Professional Development page. Ethics: Complete Ethics in Professional and Clinical Practice first, then complete Enhancing Ethical Practice-Avoiding Snakes and Building Ladders (Professional Development >CPD Live online) (4 CPD points) OR Complete the Ethics Education Package (Professional Development>Pre-recorded CPD>Independent Study Resources (4 CPD points) Evidence-Based Practice: Complete the Evidence-Based Practice Independent Study Resource (Professional Development>Pre- recorded CPD>Independent Study Resources (4 CPD points) *Minimum 20 CPD points with every membership renewal. To maintain Certified Practising Membership, every time you renew your membership you must submit a minimum 20 CPD points. For more information about the annual CPD requirements download the PSR member flyer from the PSR Page or contact the PSR advisor psr@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au Tips: • Identify your learning goals and engage in professional development in your first year out (even if you don’t have a job yet). Continue to undertake CPD throughout your professional life to maintain Certified Practising membership of Speech Pathology Australia. • Record your professional development activities as you go! An online log and Word document log forms are available for SPA members. For more information refer to the Information for Provisional CPSPs document on the PSR page or contact the PSR Advisor at psr@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au .
You must have:
Worked a minimum 200 speech pathology practice hours
Completed one of the specified online Evidence-Based Practice modules (4 CPD points) and
Received at least 12 hours of mentoring or clinical supervision from a more experienced speech pathologist at any time during the three-year period (12 CPD points)
Completed one of the specified online Ethics modules (4 CPD points)
December 2019 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Speak Out
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