Speak Out December 2019 V2 DIGITAL EDITION

Association news

Reconciliation Action Plan June 2019 – June 2020

Reconciliation Action Plan fully endorsed

The completed Reconciliation Action Plan was submitted to Reconciliation Australia on 1 November 2019 and formally endorsed on 8 November. Although completion of artwork held up the submission, the Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee and Board of Directors are very pleased with the look of the final document. The artwork reflects a coming together of Indigenous and non- Indigenous people, with pathways representing two-way learning. Each element of the design represents an important aspect of the relationship between our profession and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. You can read the detail of the meanings embedded in the artwork on page 13 of the plan. The content of the plan indicates the Association’s commitment to the development of a culturally safe and responsive profession. Progress against the actions was reported at the November Board meeting. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee met at National Office on 4 October. Productive discussion across a number of areas took place. Stacey Baldac, Manager Professional Standards, attended to participate in discussion of the revision of CBOS with members of the Advisory Committee. Some additions to the wording were suggested, however the Committee was positive about

the integration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander content throughout the document, and were particularly impressed with the content embedded in Domain 2. This content was seen to go a long way towards ensuring culturally safe practice in the profession. Details of a new research grant to fund research into communication and swallowing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were finalised for submission to the Board. The grant aims to promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices, and to build research capacity in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We look forward to launching the grant in 2020. Changes to the award process for the Indigenous Children category in the Book of the Year Awards were discussed. The need for change was driven by reducing numbers of nominations in this category, and by issues identified by Magabala Books. Under the new arrangements, books written by Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander peoples could win an award in more than one category. Following further development and discussion, the new process will be implemented in 2020. Changes to the Terms of Reference for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee approved by the Board of Directors, will see an increase in the number of committee members. This increase doubles the number of Association members, adds a second consumer representative, and a representative from an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisation. New members for terms beginning in 2020 will be announced following ratification.


December 2019 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au

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