Speak Out December 2015
continuing professional development news
National Office has a 1300 368 835 number to support members within Australia to have equity in telephoning National Office for the cost of a local call. When phoning about SPA events, please have your SPA member number ready to help us to assist you as efficiently as possible.
Supporting members’ access to CPD
2015 SPA National Tour by Associate Professor Jane McCormack
SPA has a strong commitment to assisting members to access CPD. We are mindful of the issues facing members in accessing CPD, and SPA has tried to respond in a variety of ways. I'll give a bit of further information on some of these, in case you would like to check out any of these options. • SPA runs regular 90-minute online CPD events, in conjunction with CPDLive. You can register to participate in the event live online or register to view the recording of the live event after it runs. • There is an Ethics Package available free on the SPA website for members to undertake. • There is an Evidence-Based Independent Study Resource available free on the SPA website for members. • SPA recognises the professional development that can occur via social media communities. PSR points can be earned in activity type W/S for learning via relevant listservs or web- based discussion, blogs, twitter, Facebook (eg SPA member communities). • SPA has a number of online (Facebook) member communities that are free for members to join/participate in. • The CPD Events Library offers a range of workshop recordings. (Not all events can be recorded as some do not lend themselves to recording because of their interactive nature, and not all speakers give permission for recording). • There is an Autism Spectrum Disorders Independent Study Resource available free of charge to members via the SPA website . • SPA offers traveller's rates for rural and remote members travelling more than 300km round trip from their home and/or place of work to a CPD event.
Registrations remain open for the CPDlive online event Application of the ICF to Clinical Practice in Paediatric Speech-Language Pathology on Thursday 10 December, 4-5.30pm AEDT.
Workshop dietary needs Dietary and Accessibility requirements for Branch CPD workshops – please let us know so we can best meet your needs. If you have specific dietary and/or accessibility requirements: • These can be entered when you are registering for an event and will then remain against your member record so you don’t have to re-enter them each time you register. • If you have had a change to your requirements, CPD program … To view events open for online registration, watch out for the monthly Events and Branch e-News , and/or check out the SPA website under Upcoming Events , and/or go to the webpage > SPA News and Events > CPD Events > CPD Branch Events and CPDLive . Earlybird rates are available for registrations up to one month before the event date, after which an additional fee of $66 applies post-earlybird close .
• SPA also aims to run some regional events in rural areas each year.
• SPA CPD workshop days and lengths are planned. Branches aim to have workshops on days that abutt weekends to assist members who may be travelling from interstate or rural areas to CPD. The bulk of the CPD program is comprised of one and two-day workshops, so that travel time does not exceed event time for rural and remote members.
you can edit the information when you next register by following the prompts in the online registration process.
Speak Out December 2015
Speech Pathology Australia
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