Speak Out Dec 2016
Cartooning workshop for Tassie On Saturday 16 July a cartooning workshop was held in Campbell Town, presented by cartoonist extraordinaire, Bradfield Dumpleton. Bradfield delivered a comprehensive workshop, including the drawing of faces, facial expressions and body language, and drawing comic strips demonstrating scenarios and interactions between characters. There was also lots of discussion and experimentation going on as our “speechie brains” were exploding with applications of these ideas. These ideas were being related to all areas of speech pathology across the lifespan. We even had the opportunity for
some requests as a bit of fun to finish the day as Bradfield demonstrated how to draw some farm animals for us – which is an essential skill, particularly when working in the area of paediatric speech pathology! A show of hands initially revealed that most of us believed that we could not draw. After a few hours of working with Bradfield, we were proved wrong! It was incredible to see how even simple stick figures can convey so much meaning and how these skills can be applied not just to our work but to life in general. It was great to see so many Tassie speechies from all over the state meeting together and enjoying this amazing workshop! Many thanks to Bradfield for facilitating this great event. It was such a fun way to have a “visual” conversation, and yet another way that speech pathology can fit into your life! Rachael Zeeman Tas Branch Publications Executive
TAS 111 members as at October 2016
December 2016 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Speak Out
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