Speak Out August 2020 digital test
they moved swiftly and thoughtfully. While the stories are all distinct, the theme of “we did it” rings through each, and in particular the SP2030 aspirations of clients and communities driving service delivery. As a profession, we are uniquely placed to understand the irony behind the term social distancing. While we understand the health connotation behind keeping a physical distance to slow the spread of COVID-19, socially, we’re connecting more than ever. You’ll see in this issue that SPA’s social groups have increased both their memberships and engagement over the past few months. Indeed, some of the stories in our lead article cite that engaging with others over social media was vital in terms of gaining the resources and support needed to respond successfully. Also, now is exactly the right time to check out when your Branch is next meeting in your State or Territory. With all meetings currently being held online, many Branches are experiencing increased attendee numbers, and the meetings I’ve been lucky to attend are filled with people sharing stories and laughing, as well as progressing the profession in a myriad of ways. It’s great to read that in Queensland, both pre-COVID and during the early days of the crisis, speech pathologists are getting together to share a story or two, and enjoy the collegiality of our profession. So there will be a lot of ways in which, once we start to re-establish what our profession and our wider society becomes in the years after the pandemic’s introduction. There will be some elements that return to us, some new ways of working that will continue to benefit us, and some things that absolutely must change. The Black Lives Matter movement has a particular resonance and importance within our country. Within this issue you will also read the significance of National Reconciliation Week, and meet Tania Harris, Eddie Ong, Louise Taylor, and Pauline Weldon-Bowen, who, with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee,
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