Speak Out August 2020 DIGITAL EDITION

Branch News


VIC 2807 members as at July 2020

Trivial times

three rounds of ten questions with a ten-minute break between rounds. Members socialised in the breaks, finding out more about each other’s work and how they were managing with restrictions, and naturally took the opportunity to sip some wine and down some nibbles. Feedback was positive. One member reported they had such a good time they discussed it during their teammeeting. Others thought some questions were tricky but enjoyed the evening none-the-less. And we’re all agreed: we’re looking forward to the next one! So yes, there are more trivia nights to come. Questions for future trivia will be both general knowledge and speech pathology based. Students and experienced speech pathologists alike are warmly invited. No judgement, no pressure, just good fun!

Just when we thought this pandemic was in the rear-view, we’re back in lock down. But it’s not all doom and gloom. On a chilli Tuesday evening on 16 June, members in Victoria participated in our first ever remote trivia night. Victoria Branch promised an evening of laughs and friendly competition and they delivered. Nearly twenty members participated, most frommetro areas but a few joined from rural Victoria, including members from Mildura and Bendigo. It was fantastic to see members from across the state come together, which was only possible using teleconferencing technology. Members joined via Zoom and used Kahoot on a second device for trivia. This worked seamlessly for most participants who used tablets or phones, in addition to their laptops, to participate. All up, the evening went for a little over an hour. The theme was speech pathology (of course) with questions sourced from adult and paediatric practice. Although the occasional wildcard question cropped up, even a sports question—who knew Victorian speechies were AFL buffs? Competition was stiff, but good natured, with lightning fast responders determined to get on the leader board. There were

Oh, and did I mention BYO drinks and nibbles?

Join the SPA Victoria Branch Member Community on Facebook and get news on future events including online trivia nights.


August 2020 | Speak Out

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