Speak Out August 2018
Conference feedback survey Thank you to the 247 members who took the time to complete and submit their survey. Congratulations to Ailie McArthur from South Australia, who was the lucky winner of the complimentary registration to the 2019 Joint Conference in Brisbane. All feedback, positive and constructive, has been collated and will be included in a detailed report to the Board in August. There will also be direct feedback to the 2019 Brisbane CPC to assist them with their planning. Thank You! Grateful thanks to our conference sponsors whose support is so important in delivering the conference: Guild Insurance (conference dinner and photo booth), Pentax Medical (lunch Monday) Control Bionics (lunch Tuesday) and SPC (lanyards).
A big thank you also to the helpful and friendly student volunteers; Elisabeth Beltrame, Melissa Chaptini, Lachie Davidson, Tara Laskar, Julia Montatore, Nicole Muir, Monica Welsh and Taylah Vogelsang who worked alongside Pam at the conference registration desk, assisted the session chairs and ensured that delegates found their intended sessions. Without you the conference would not run as smoothly, so we really appreciate all your time and effort. Thanks also to the Board of Speech Pathology Australia and national office staff for their ongoing support in the preparation for and at the conference. Finally, on behalf of the Conference Planning Committee we would like to sincerely thank all delegates, including the fabulous presenters, for attending and engaging at I N S P I RE in Adelaide. Without you there is no conference. We are grateful for the kind verbal, email and twitter feedback received that made the hard work worthwhile. We have loved hearing what the I N S P I RE conference has inspired you to do. Ultimately that is what it’s about – making a difference for someone, somewhere, somehow – and edging, nudging, closer to the vision that is speech pathology in 2030.
Thank you also to the many exhibitors for their ongoing support of our national conference – and for the wonderful prizes donated that were drawn at the conference dinner and appreciated by the lucky winners. The exhibition hall for this year’s conference was again filled with a range of novel, intriguing and high quality products and services. We congratulate Flavour Creations for winning The Best Exhibition Stand prize, which is one complimentary exhibition stand at the 2019 Joint Conference in Brisbane. It’s no secret that a lot of work goes into the organisation and delivery of a national conference so we have lots of people to thank. A massive thank you goes to the dedicated, committed and creative members of the Conference Planning Committee – Jane Bickford, Scientific Program Chair, Tamara Hall, Penny Miller, Jo Murray and Cori Williams, Senior Advisor Evidence Based Practice and Research. It truly was a team effort and wonderful to be part of such a supportive group that responded with a positive and creative ‘can do’ attitude to the unanticipated ‘curve balls’ that came our way. We did it! The CPC extends a huge thank you to Pamela Richards, National Conference Manager, for all her hard work, assistance and advice along the way. The CPC also thanks Caitlyn Rustem, an event management student from Victoria University, who worked with Pam leading up to and during the conference. She was a great asset and did a fantastic job.
Barbara Lyndon, 2018 Conference Convenor Pamela Richards, National Conference Manager
Call for 2020 Conference Convenor
Speech Pathology Australia is now calling for expressions of interest from current NT SPA members for the position of 2020 Conference Convenor. The National Conference will be held at the Darwin Convention Centre from Sunday 24 – Wednesday 27 May 2020 inclusive. Expressions of interest should include a covering letter stating relevant experience and a curriculum vitae to support the application. The application should be submitted to Pamela Richards, National Conference Manager via email conference@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au Applications close Monday 3 September 2018.
August 2018 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Speak Out
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