Speak Out
August 2013
Speech Pathology Australia
Association News
Call for Nominations for SPA Awards
Peech pathology Australia acknowledges
excellence in speech pathology practice and the
voluntary work undertaken by its members (and
others) through nationally recognised awards.
Life Membership:
Life membership is the highest honour
accorded by the Association and confers Practising or Non-
Practising membership on a person for the rest of his or her
life. It recognises outstanding leadership and committed
service to the Association and the profession over many
Fellowship of Speech Pathology Australia is
a public professional honour awarded to a member with
considerable experience, responsibility and standing within
the speech pathology profession. The award recognises
and celebrates members who have achieved excellence in
speech pathology practice.
Elinor Wray:
This award is presented for outstanding
contribution to the profession. The contribution of the nominee
is essentially clinical or project-oriented and will encompass
one or more of the following areas:
Innovations in diagnostic, assessment or treatment
Promotion of speech pathology to government, the
community or to other professionals
Student training.
Recognition of Service:
Presented to up to three members
annually in recognition of ongoing, valuable and voluntary
service to the Association. Nominees may have contributed on
Council, Branch Executive, Branch Portfolios, Task Groups,
Conference Planning Committee etc.
Early Career Award:
The award is open to new graduate
practising members in recognition of ongoing, valuable and
voluntary service to the Association at National or Branch
level. Nominees may have contributed on Branch Executive,
Branch Portfolios, Task Groups, Conference Planning
Committee etc.
Community Contribution:
Presented in recognition of
outside agencies that have made a significant and valuable
contribution to speech pathology.
If you know of someone who deserves the honour and
recognition of an award, nominations should be submitted on
the official nomination forms. For more information visit the
website or email
council@speechpathologyaustralia.org.auCall for Fellowship Committee
Nominations from non-Fellow members of the Association
are now being called for the Fellowship Committee. The
Committee’s purpose is to review applications for Fellowship,
make recommendations to Council about nominations and
promote Fellowship to members.
The Fellowship Committee comprises seven members and
each position on the Committee is for a period of three to five
It is expected that the members nominated will have
considerable expertise through avenues such as clinical
practice and leadership, clinical education and supervision
and/or academic teaching. Each nomination should include
a brief summary of no more than one page outlining the
professional qualifications and experience of the nominee.
Nomination forms are available on the website.
will close on Friday 30 August 2013.
Call for 2014 Branch Executive
Nominations are now being sought for Branch Executive
members for 2014. If you are interested in being involved
in the activities of your Branch next year (including those
in current Branch Executive roles), please download and
complete the Branch Nomination form from our website.
Nominations should be submitted via email to
speechpathologyaustralia.org.auby no later than close of
Friday 20 September 2013
2014 Budget
In November 2013, Council will hold its annual budget
meeting to consider the many activities and projects
planned for 2014 and to determine their budgets. Budgets
are considered for each Portfolio and Branch, and funds are
allocated for ongoing activities as well as strategic projects.
Each year, submissions for funding are considered and
prioritised according to their relevance to the Strategic Plan,
extent of benefit to members, costs required and likely
outcomes. Budget documents will be circulated through
Branches in the coming months. We ask that you consider
the ideas you wish to put forward for discussion at the
November Budget meeting and bring these to the attention
of your Branch President, Treasurer or Councillor.
WANTED – Early Australian speech pathology journals
SPA plans to digitise all the Association journals and make
them available to members (and people around the world) via
the website of the
International Journal of Speech-Language
. In order to do this, we need a complete set of earlier
journals of the Association including:
• Journal of the Australian College of Speech Therapists
• Australian Journal of Human Communication Disorders
If you have copies of these journals that you are able to donate,
please contact
pubs@speechpathologyaustralia.org.auto see
if the years/volumes/issues you have are needed.
2014 nominations and budget