Speak Out April 2021
Early bird registration to close midnight AEST Wednesday 14 April 2021
Registration for Local Contexts, Global Practice Global Practice is "live" from the conference website. We are now counting down the weeks until Speech Pathology Australia’s first virtual national conference. We hope you are as excited as we are and have taken the chance to review the conference program. Online registration is currently available through SPA’s website. The Conference Planning Committee (CPC) is thrilled by the number of registrations received to date. Take note of the early bird deadline, full registration rates will apply if you register after this time/date. To ensure a faster registration process we encourage you to read through the conference program, select the sessions you wish to attend, and then proceed to the online registration process. Note that you can choose to register for the full three-day conference or just selected single day/s. Your membership category will determine your registration payment so ensure your Association membership is current to obtain the discounted member rates. Social events applicable to your registration will appear as you proceed through the selection process. Presenters at our conference are reminded they need to register for the conference plus ensure they meet their presentation deadlines set out in the confirmation letter sent in December 2020. If you have misplaced the letter please email Colleen at conf2021@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au. Registering for the conference Are you still procrastinating about registering to attend the SPA virtual national conference? Selecting your sessions has never been easier! The program has diversity across clinical areas in the concurrent sessions so no matter which day or time you’re looking at there is bound to be something of interest to you.
All sessions have a unique code that tells you the day and time it’s happening: • M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday • The number 1, 2 or 3 indicates the time slot. • A-E indicates one of the daily 5 concurrent sessions • TB is the Tuesday morning session for early career members • All keynote presentations are automatically included within your registration selection. These Some workshops have capped attendance so avoid disappointment and register today! There will not be waitlists for sessions. Any changes to the program will be made immediately to the online registration, and you will be contacted directly if any major change affects your registration. However, if you wish to make a change to your registration please contact Colleen Moloney at conf2021@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au Conference session times The virtual national conference will be managed from Melbourne which will mean the times of the sessions will be listed in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST). Therefore, please note the time differences relevant to your area. are MKP, TEU and WKP. While the opening on Monday and closing on Wednesday are automatically included as applicable to your registration, we do ask you to select if you will or will not attend. This helps us know the online capacity we need to have available for sessions.
Speak Out | April 2021
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