Speak Out April 2021


An update on advocacy activities of the CEO

Allied Health Professions Australia

As the AHPA Chair, the role brings the opportunity for a range of high level meetings and advocacy activities, including a recent meeting with the Minister for Health, Hon Greg Hunt. The meeting’s purpose was to reinforce the position of Allied Health professions in relation to the Medicare Review final taskforce report and the work of the Primary Care 10-Year Plan Steering Group. Alongside the AHPA Deputy Chair, Antony Nicholas and AHPA’s CEO, Claire Hewat, we met with the Minister and two of his senior advisors, specifically those whose portfolios focus on primary health, Medicare and aged care. The meeting focused on seeking a position from the Minister on two key areas that were considered high priorities from AHPA’s recent discussions: the Minister's view of the role of Medicare funding for allied health services (and potential expansion of the CDM items and other items relevant to AH) and developing new models of primary care funding that include improving access to allied health. In addition to the topics raised, the Minister also addressed aged care funding with a focus on the blended funding models as proposed by the Aged Care Royal Commission’s final report recommendations. There was specific discussion on the key recommendations that emphasised the needs of older people to access appropriate and adequate allied health services. The meeting was felt to be constructive with specific outcomes. In terms of initial commitments, the Minister welcomed AHPA’s further consultation and provision of additional briefing material which has since been progressed through the Minister’s advisors. The Minister has also agreed to meeting with all the Allied Health professional associations, who are members of AHPA, at a round table forum in the first half of this year. Again in my AHPA Chair capacity, I have continued to act as the representative on the Federal Department of Health’s Primary Health Reform Steering Group, with the remit of this group to inform and develop the Australian

CEO Gail Mulcair (second from left) is pictured with Minister for Health, Greg Hunt (third from left) with AHPA Deputy Chair Antony Nicholas and AHPA's CEO Claire Hewat.

Government’s Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan. The steering group predominantly includes a high number of medical focused groups as well as nursing, consumer and pharmaceutical groups, with only two other aligned allied health representatives, so the need for a strong allied health voice is critical. Pleasingly after many months of very doctor-centric discussions, recent draft recommendations include a focus on funding models and workforce planning to support equitable access to multidisciplinary care. There’s still a long way to go, but persistence appears to be now shaping a broader perspective of how a modern primary health care service will meet consumers’ needs. Earlier in February, alongside AHPA's CEO, I presented at the Queensland Productivity Commission Inquiry into the NDIS provider market across Queensland. A further welcomed opportunity to meet regularly with key government officials in health, mental health and rural health, has come from regular attendance at the Australian Allied Health Leaders Forum which involves strategic meetings with ministers/shadow ministers and officials on pertinent topics affecting allied health professionals. A regular inclusion at each meeting is the Chief Allied Health Officer, Dr Anne-marie Boxall, where a mutual sharing of updates and issues help to inform and support the CAHO’s representation on allied health matters back to the government.

Gail Mulcair Chief Executive Officer


April 2021 | Speak Out

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