Speak Out April 2021

Member digital kit

ness Day

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The Swallowing Awareness Day digital kit was well utilised by members who helped to promote the day by sharing the resources on their digital platforms. The kit included a range of social media tiles.

The speech pathology team at Royal Perth Hospital in WA helped to celebrate Swallowing Awareness Day by distributing special coffee cups around the hospital.

Did you catch the Swallowing Awareness Day animation on Facebook?

Dysphagia: A difficult diagnosis to swallow

People who have trouble swallowing are at risk of choking, poor nutrition and dehydration, while babies and children with difficulty feeding may not take in enough nutrients to support growth and brain development. Speech pathologists are the professionals who assess and treat people across the lifespan with dysphagia (difficulty swallowing).

To find a speech pathologist near you go to www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au/find

awareness day Wednesday 17 March 2021

www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au/swallowing 1300 368 835

day 2021


April 2021 | Speak Out

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