Speak Out
April 2013
Speech Pathology Australia
CPD Events in 2012 in
• In 2012, the Association offered
59 CPD events across the
nation, with the majority of events
being one-day workshops. This
was slightly less than the number
of events offered in 2011 (63
events) but higher than all other
preceding years (with the
previous highest prior to the
record number in 2011, being
54 events in 2010).
• A total of 1641 registrants
attended these events.
• The average evaluation ratings
for events were very high, as they
have consistently been for a
number of years. On a scale
of 1-5 (where 5 = excellent), the
average ‘overall rating’ of the
events = 4.5 and the average
‘quality of the presentation’
speaker rating = 4.7.
• There were 33 different
presenters (as per 2011),
four of whom presented
more than one event, including
the National Tour speaker with
15 workshops.
• The National Tour was well
attended with a total of 561
people attending the workshops
which ran in all eight Branches,
with 13 of 15 workshops being
sold out.
• The traveller’s incentive was
taken up on 254 registrations,
with the highest uptake being
for CPD events in Queensland
and in Victoria.
The 2013 National Tour
speaker... Dr Elise Baker
Dr Elise Baker will
be presenting a
two-day workshop –
‘Best practice in the
management of speech
sound disorders in children: Making
every session count’ – exploring a
range of evidence-based approaches
for managing phonological
impairment in toddlers, preschool,
and school-age children.
The brochure for the 2013 National
Tour workshop can be accessed
via the SPA website – National Tour
webpage link, along with the
planned itinerary as listed in the
table above.
The CPD Events Library in
• There has been an increased
awareness and utilisation
of the library following
implementation of strategic
actions relating to the library
over the past 4 years.
• Loans were approximately
evenly distributed between
metropolitan and non-
metropolitan members.
Continuing Professional Development News
National CPD Update
National Office has a 1300 368 835 number to support members within Australia to have
equity in phoning National Office for the cost of a local call. When phoning about CPD,
please have your SPA member number ready to help us assist you as efficiently as possible.
2013 National Tour Workshops
The planned itinerary is listed below. (Please note that this may be
subject to change.)
Dates of two-day workshop
Workshop has run
Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 July 2013
Registrations opened
Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 July 2013
Registrations opened
Thursday 1 and Friday 2 August 2013
Registrations opened
Thursday 5 and Friday 6 September 2013
Friday 8 and Saturday 9 November 2013
Thursday 21 and Friday 22 November 2013
Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 November 2013
Earlybird Registrations are available up to one month before the event date.