Speak Out
April 2013
Association News
Applications for
the 2013 RACV
Sir Edmund
Herring Memorial
Scholarship are
now open
he RACV Sir Edmund Herring
Memorial Scholarship scholarship
aims to assist health professionals
by funding important research projects that
help prevent road trauma and improve the
quality of care delivered to road trauma
Applicants must be health professionals,
Australian residents and work in the state of
Victoria. Successful applicant(s) receive up
to $52,000 to undertake a project that will
lead to improved care in the area of road
The RACV Sir Edmund Herring Memorial
Scholarship has been awarded annually
since 1983, in memory of the late Sir
Edmund Herring, a former Governor of
Victoria and RACV Patron for 34 years.
The recipients of the 2012 scholarship were:
• Bridget Hill (Epworth Rehabilitation), who
is conducting an international study tour
to view current therapy practices for
peripheral nerve injuries and develop a
multidisciplinary clinical program based
on evidence collected;
• Associate Professor Jonathan Jackson
and Dr Sharon Bentley (Australian
College of Optometry), who aim to
examine the important factors in the
decision to stop driving among older
people with vision impairment compared
to those with normal vision.
Please note applications close on
Friday 7 June 2013
. Full application
guidelines can be obtained from the RACV
www.racv.com.auInternational Journal of Speech-
Language Pathology
) –
Editor Position
(available from 2014)
Applications sought
After many years of providing excellent stewardship of the
Professor Sharynne McLeod has elected to not seek a
further renewal of her contract as the
Editor. The position
will become vacant as of January 2014 and we are seeking
applications from suitable candidates for a three-year term. As it is
intended that a considerable hand-over period will occur, we are
seeking applicants who can commence as of October this year.
This valuable and strategic role will continue to enhance the
growth and international positioning of the Association’s journal.
Editor is responsible for the editorial coordination and
strategic development of the Journal. Working closely with the
Executive Board, Council, CEO and external publishers,
the Editor oversees the direction, standard and promotion of the
journal as well as ensuring high quality issues are published in
accordance with policies and timelines.
Applications are sought from members who have demonstrated
experience and a passion for research and publications.
The candidate should have achieved a higher degree,
experience and demonstrated skill in editing and writing, a
track record of publishing research in international journals,
and an understanding of quantitative and qualitative research
methodologies. Previous experience in editing academic
publications or being a member of journal editorial boards
is highly desirable. An honorarium is paid to the editor (or
employer if required) on an annual basis.
A position description is available and applications (comprising
a cover letter addressing the selection criteria, a current CV
and 2 professional referees) are to be forwarded to the Chief
Executive Officer by
COB Friday 10 May 2013
. Enquiries can
be made to the CEO on
org.auor the current
Editor, Professor Sharynne McLeod,
ijslp@csu.edu.auGail Mulcair
Chief Executive Officer