Speak Out
April 2013
Speech Pathology Australia
SPA online update and profile
Role within SPA?
Rural and Remote Reference Group
What do you do in this role?
Represent the rural and remote clinicians
and communities in regards to the
specific issues that arise within these
Role outside SPA?
Outside of SPA, I work for Mount
Gambier community health.
What do you do in this role?
Service clients from 0-100 years with
a wide variety of presenting issues.
Typical generalist speechie doing a bit of
anything and everything :)
What is your greatest achievement/
favourite thing about your current
Favourite thing about current roles is that
I can work with and represent rural and
remote communities to ensure the services
and support they receive resemble that
of the metro communities as best as
possible. I also love being able to extend
my skills in all the areas of practice!
What do you see as the future
challenges/directions for speech
pathology and/or SPA?
Currently see future direction as
promoting clinicians to experience
working in rural and remote locations and
to promote increased access to services
for speech pathology and associated
services in rural and remote locations.
SPA profile
Sarah Lemon
SPA Twitter update
Links to recent newsworthy articles tweeted
and/or re-tweeted on the Speech Pathology
Australia Twitter feed in February-March
• Acting out dreams linked to development
of dementia, study finds (21 March)
• Supplement aimed at children with speech
delays is being deceptively marketed,
could be dangerous (19 March)
• “Young offenders need a verbal toolkit to
unlock literacy” An article by the brilliant
Pamela Snow (6 March)
• Language gene more active in girls?
(21 February)
• You’re never too old to learn. Read tips
to stay mentally active (6 February)
Join in the conversation and follow
Speech Pathology Australia on Twitter:
SPA Facebook highlights from
February to March included...
(Clockwise from left) A piece about the Parkville School and SPA's SPyce
(Speech Pathologists in Youth Custodial Education) program
featuring SPA's
SPyce Project Officer Laura Caire
is covered by ABC1's
7.30 Report
on 19
February; National Office staff don
lots of socks
in support of World Down
Syndrome Day on 20 March; the range of books that received early nominations
for the 2013 Book of the Year Awards!