RAP Speech Pathology Australia


Deliverable Responsibility


Our Workforce Details the Association’s aim for a capable workforce, with the capacity to drive quality, innovation and diversity.

Dec 2019

Investigate the development of pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to enter the speech pathology profession

1. Research best practice approaches to developing employment pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 2. Consult with other professional bodies which have developed pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to enter their professions. 1. Develop a statement, outlining the role of speech pathologist to assist members’ communication with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers 2. Ensure member access to the role statement for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers.

Convenor RWG

Convenor, RWG

Dec 2019

Jan 2020

Manager, Professional Standards

Support mutual awareness and understanding of roles and practice of Aboriginal Health Workers and Speech Pathologists

Apr 2020

Convenor RWG

Oct 2019

Convenor RWG

1. Provide sponsorship for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander SP students to attend IAHA conference and health fusion challenge.

Provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student speech pathologists

1. Investigate establishment of a network for peer support and mentoring of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander speech pathologists and students.

Professional Support Advisor

Oct 2019

Provide support to promote a sustainable and valued Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander speech pathology workforce

Investigate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment

Jan 2020

1. Develop a business case for Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander peoples’ employment within our organisation 2. Identify current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to inform future employment and development opportunities 3. Encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to apply for all positions

Manager Member Services & Operations

Manager Member Services & Operations

Jan 2020

Manager Member Services & Operations

Apr 2020


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