RAP Speech Pathology Australia


Deliverable Responsibility


Our Voice Represents the key areas of advocacy that are to be championed by the Association.

Raise internal understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural protocols

1. Implement and monitor the Association policy for Acknowledgement of Country at all Association meetings and events 2. Develop understanding of the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters in our local (National Office) area 3. Provide members with information to support them in learning about the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters within their local area 4. Develop and implement a plan to raise awareness and understanding of the meaning and significance behind Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country protocols (including any local cultural protocols) 5. Invite an appropriate Traditional Owner to provide a Welcome to Country at all significant Association events 6. Include an Acknowledgement of Country on SPA website and in SPA staff and Board signature blocks. 1. Raise awareness amongst our staff of the meaning of NAIDOC Week and share information about local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities 2. Raise awareness amongst our members of the meaning of NAIDOC Week and share information which supports them in locating information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities in their local areas 3. Introduce our staff to NAIDOC Week by promoting community events in our local area 4. Introduce our members to NAIDOC Week by providing support for them to promote community events in their local areas 5. Ensure members of our RAP Working Group attend an external NAIDOC Week event

Manager, Professional Education

Apr 2020

CEO, National President

Apr 2020

Convenor RWG

Apr 2020

Convenor RWG

Nov 2019

CEO, National President

Apr 2020

Nov 2019

Manager, Marketing & Comms

Convenor RWG, Manager, Marketing & Comms

Jul 2019

Participate in and celebrate NAIDOC week

Jul 2019

Convenor RWG, Manager, Marketing & Comms

Convenor RWG, Manager, Marketing & Comms Convenor RWG, Manager, Marketing & Comms

Jul 2019

Jul 2019

Jul 2019



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