RAP Speech Pathology Australia

Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group members Tara Lewis, Aboriginal member Eddie Ong, Torres Strait Islander member

Alice Robins, Aboriginal recent graduate member Stacey Baldac, Manager Professional Standards Gaenor Dixon, National President, Speech Pathology Australia Michael Kerrisk, Manager Marketing and Communications, Speech Pathology Australia Gail Mulcair, CEO, Speech Pathology Australia Cori Williams, Senior Advisor Evidence Based Practice and Research, Speech Pathology Australia

A draft Reconciliation Action Plan was finalised in September 2018, and feedback was invited through a number of mechanisms. An online survey was developed and opened to Speech Pathology Australia members and others with an interest in providing input. The draft was discussed at Branch Executive meetings nationally, and feedback was sought from external agencies working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in contexts relevant to speech pathology practice. Strong support for the draft plan was evident. The association member's particularly noted the importance of education to build member knowledge and understanding to support work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. There was also strong support for the Association to support the recruitment of more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to the speech pathology profession. All feedback received was considered, and revisions made to the draft plan where needed.

" I believe education is the first and most important step to effect change, especially when it comes to lifelong beliefs. I think this RAP has been well thought out and places appropriate emphasis on education that leads to understanding and collaboration. Member feedback, online survey



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