RAP Speech Pathology Australia

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee members

Tara Lewis, Aboriginal member Eddie Ong, Torres Strait Islander member Alice Robins, Aboriginal recent graduate member

Shane Mohor, CEO, Aboriginal Health Council of SA Ltd Donna Murray, CEO, Indigenous Allied Health Australia Peter Palancio, Torres Strait Islander consumer representative Tirritpa Ritchie, University of South Australia Professor Beth Armstrong, Chair, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Curriculum Committee Chyrisse Heine, Director, Speech Pathology Australia Gail Mulcair, CEO, Speech Pathology Australia Cori Williams, Senior Advisor Evidence Based Practice and Research, Speech Pathology Australia

A Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group consisting of one Aboriginal Association member, one Torres Strait Islander Association member, one recently graduated Aboriginal member, one Board representative and four Association staff was convened and met for the first time in December 2017. Evolve Communities provided cultural awareness training to members of the committee in January 2018. Two consultation forums were held in May 2018 to seek member opinion and shape the initial form of the plan. These forums used a yarning approach (Bessarab & Ng’andu, 2010), respecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander approaches to communication


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