PLD catalogue 2018
KeyArea:Oral Language Skills
Children benefit when home and school work together.
Understanding/Listening •Follow3-step instructions,eg: “Get yourbook,put it in your bagand thenput yourbagby thedoor.” •Follow instructionscontaining thewords ‘first’, ‘last’ and ‘after’ •Understandeverything said tome (ageappropriate) •Answer ‘when’, ‘why’and ‘what’questions •Understandopposites (hotandcold), locationwords (next to,between, in front) •Understandhumourand laughat jokes Speaking •Speak intelligiblywitha few speech immaturities remaining •Usebasicallyadult likegrammar •Tellnewsor storieswithoutanyassistance •Retella storyaccurately •Participate in longdetailedconversationswitha range ofpeople •Explainwhy somethinghappened Speechand LanguageDevelopmentalMilestones Now that I am 5 years old... I should be able to;
Tips ForHome •Read storiesandaskquestions about thebook. •Encourage yourchild to retell stories using theirownwords. •Makeup storiesusing thepictures in textlessbooks. •Talkaboutpast,presentand future eventswith yourchild. •Give yourchild themeaningof words theydon’t know.
PLD offers an extensive range of parent education resources. Our download sheets provide milestone information and the specific YouTube playlist provides a range of short educational video clips. This information can be disseminated to parents and the wider community through newsletters, websites and general communication.
Parent Education
•Planand rehearse yourchild’snews prior to the schoolnews tellingday. Causes ForConcern •A small vocabulary. •Onlyuses short sentencesor sentenceswithgrammaticalerrors. •Cannot retellaneventor simple storyevenwith support. •Difficulty following instructionswith twoormore steps. •Difficultyansweringhow,whenand whyquestions. •Child’s speech isdifficult to understand.
Playand Social Skills •Enjoy socialcommunicationwithavarietyofpeople •Make friendsandengageeasilywithpeers •Play fairly in simplegameswith rules •Engage incomplex imaginaryplay •Join inand startconversations •Useanextensive vocabulary toexpress ideasand request information
•Poorconversationand social skills. •Doesnotenjoy listening to stories. •Shortattention span.
Shouldyouhaveanyconcerns aboutyourchild’sdevelopment, consulta SpeechPathologist.
116Parry Street PerthWA6000 Australia
Option 1 Milestone sheets and downloads at Option 2 Foundation parent education playlist at
T:+61 (08) 9227 0846 F:+61 (08)92270865
PLD Organisation Pty. Ltd.. This information sheet can be downloaded and distributed providingPLD’s logoandcontactdetailsarenot removed. PLD’sprograms thatdevelop theabove skillscanbeviewedby searching thecodes: Mc5,Mc5a, AR35,10m5, Pbr5, Sem5 on
PLD’s structured synthetic phonics program is a recommended AUSPELD Wave 1 (whole class) and Wave 2 (small group) additional intervention program.
Recommended SSP Program
High performing primary schools: What do they have in common? Professor William Louden (2015) Research commissioned by the Education Department of WA, explored the similarities and differences among high performing West Australian Government primary schools. All of the schools used explicit teaching strategies for teaching phonological awareness and phonics. Common across all schools was a synthetic phonics approach. The following is a direct quote from the research paper. “Synthetic phonics is a systematic approach to teaching reading by beginning with sounds (phonemes) and blending (synthesising) these sounds to make words. All of the case study schools have implemented synthetic phonics programs in the early years... PLD Literacy and Learning .... teach[es] phonemes (letter and digraph sounds), letter formation, blending of sounds together to form new words, segmenting sounds in read and write new words, and teaching ‘tricky words’ with irregular spelling.” (Page 20-21) To read the full research paper go to
Independent Research
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