
SPWeek 2013, 25 – 31 August 2013

What a week! T hank you to everyone who started a conversation – large or small – during SPWeek. It was a hugely successful week and was only possible due to your time, passion and voices. We received many photos of SPWeek activities held across Australia, we hope you enjoy the selection of these here and the SPWeek wrap-ups in the Branch pages of this issue of Speak Out . We also hope you enjoyed the International Communication Project 2014 (ICP2014) email updates and have a good idea of how next year will look. Thank you to everyone who sent in slogans (the concept will be ready soon!), signed up to be Communication Champions and added their contact to our stakeholder list. Communication Champions

Do you care about communication? You can still sign up to be an ICP2014 Communication Champion! Email jwood@speechpathologyaustralia. org.au for more information.

Communication ICP2014 Champion Australia

Joanna Wood

Tennille Burns

Communications & Marketing Manager

National PA Coordinator

Speak Out October 2013



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