
Association News

ICP2014 and QLD Registration Board update


T he International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics Congress was an eventful time for ICP2014 organising countries. It included endorsement of the project by the IALP Board and the launch of the official logo (as premiered during SPWeek) and www. communication2014.com website. Much discussion about how to make the project truly international also took place. Member organisations are now approaching speech pathology and consumer bodies in countries around the world, as well as promoting the project at conferences and congresses. We need your help! If your professional networks extend outside of Australia, help us get in touch with Asia-Pacific and beyond – contact jwood@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au.

ICP2014 IALP SAC meeting (from left): Jonathan Linklater (President, IASLT), Anne Healy (Secretary, IASLT), Gail Mulcair (CEO, SPA), Joanne Charlebois (CEO, CASLPA), Bryony Simpson (Chair, RCSLT), Derek Munn (Director of Policy, RCSLT), Kamini Gadhok (CEO, RCSLT), Judy Meintzeir (President, CASLPA), Arlene Pietranton (CEO, ASHA), Patty Prelock (President, ASHA), Dean Sutherland (NZSTA), Chris Stone (SPA President, 2010 – 2013 – taking photo).

Stand up for Communication! You can still sign up to be a Communication Champion during the ICP2014. Raise the profile of communication disorders and the difference you make to people’s lives. We’ll support you every step of the way, so sign up today. For more information, contact jwood@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au

Communication ICP2014 Champion Australia

Queensland Registration Board Legacy Funds Program

W ith the

Speech Pathology Australia, as the profession’s peak body, to manage the funds and auspice appropriate grant schemes, ensuring that, in good faith, the funds will be utilised for the benefit of all speech pathologists in Queensland (irrespective of SPA membership) and to include speech pathologists working across all sectors of practice. Speech Pathology Australia is currently working with a Queensland based Reference group and Queensland Health to establish the scope and

criteria across a range of grant schemes to be funded by these legacy funds. Once the program’s scope, criteria and eligibility are confirmed and a contract signed with Queensland Health, details of the available schemes for 2014 will be distributed to speech pathologists through SPA publications and through multiple employer and departmental networks. Gail Mulcair Chief Executive Officer

Over the period of transition to dissolve the Registration Board, the Queensland government expressed a strong commitment that those funds should continue to be managed and utilised in the interests of the Queensland speech pathology profession and ultimately for the benefit of consumers of speech pathology services in Queensland. Queensland Health has subsequently negotiated with

dissolution of the Registration Board

in Queensland in May this year, it was identified that a substantial amount of funds remained held in trust. The funds accumulated have largely come from registration fees paid to the Registration Board over time, and in the past have been held in reserve for any liabilities that the Board may have incurred, as well as specific purpose grant programs for the benefit of Queensland speech pathologists.


Speak Out October 2013

Speech Pathology Australia

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