How to minimise your risk
• Factor these costs in when you set up your business and ensure that you have the minimum set of tools (especially Ax tools). • Include a PD and resource budget in your ongoing budget. t t t t
Your financial resources may be limited, particularly in the early years of your business.
You don’t purchase all the necessary tools/resources. You don’t attend PD. You don’t spend enough time on non-contact activities because there
t t t t
You need to spend more time preparing and planning.
• Schedule preparation and planning time into your diary.
is a pressure to see clients to make your business profitable.
• Develop standard assessment and report writing protocols. • Provide information in writing to clients about this protocol. • Use an assessment procedure and report template. • Make it clear to clients about costs and timeframes for reports. • Join the PP Member Community. • Join local PP network or establish your own.
Your assessment/ report is incomplete. You don’t allocate an adequate amount of time for the assessment/ report writing.
The assessment process and report writing takes longer to complete.
You lack day-to-day support from colleagues both clinically and professionally.
You are isolated if working as a sole practitioner.
• Employ a clinical supervisor. • Establish multi-disciplinary networks.
could have been resolved if the SP had sought assistance early. So don’t be afraid to seek advice before the problem escalates. Christina Wilson Senior Advisor Professional Issues
Taking on a private practice isn’t as straightforward as it may first seem so please think twice before printing some business cards, gathering a few resources and setting up shop! Advice and support is available to small business owners and SPs alike including the governments’ small business
website www.business.gov.au , the small business legal help guide www.innovation.gov.au , Guild for insurance and legal advice ( 1800 810 213 ) and VHIA for employment, industrial and HR issues ( 1800 729 329 ). And one final word of advice… we often find that issues that come to us
Christine Lyons Senior Advisor Professional Practice
Professional Practice news
Changes to the National Australian Defence Force
GP Education Kit Following the call to arms in the June edition of Speak Out ( ‘Always wanted to engage with GPs? Medicare Locals provide a wealth of opportunities to do just that... ’ ) , there has been a great response from members volunteering their time to run GP Education sessions for their Medicare Local. To make the process easier we have added the GP Education Kit to the website. Keep up the great work and if you have a good news story about your GP education session make sure you let us know as we would love to share it with others in an upcoming issue of Speak Out .
Academy Family Health program It will be of particular interest to private practitioners who see families of serving defence force members to learn about changes to the ADF Family Health program. As of January 2014, these families will be eligible for $400/financial year to use towards allied health service – this will include speech pathology services. The funding can be used in addition to private health benefits. Please see www.defence.gov.au for more details.
Speak Out October 2013
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