Lifeline Booklet 2021


appropriately and with confidence


It is a difficult topic to bring up but discussing suicide will not put the idea in someone’s head. In fact, it is not abnormal for a person to have briefly thought about suicide. It becomes abnormal when someone starts to see suicide as the only solution to his or her problems. For the suicidal person, being asked may bring relief from the anxiety and guilt they have or a new perspective. Remember that to reach out and listen is itself a major step in reducing the level of suicidal despair”. 16 17

1. Listen to their story and build a connection 2. Reflect feeling- you are feeling overwhelmed 3. Normalise the feeling- sometimes when people feel overwhelmed, they think about suicide. 4. Ask them about suicide CLEARLY & DIRECTLY

16 17 afp/2003/1101/p1814.html

17 Accidental Counsellor

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