Lifeline Booklet 2021 Specific to S3
appropriately and with confidence
Start with a casual invitation if possible, such as:
“ Let’s talk. You don’t seem like yourself lately. Is there something going on?” “I have noticed you seem a little distracted and quiet lately and I am wondering if everything is ok.” “I’ve noticed you don’t seem yourself at the moment. I’m concerned about how you are doing.”
If you suspect someone is experiencing a mental health crisis, reaching out is the first step to providing the help he or she needs to get better. However, one of the most challenging aspects of helping someone is knowing how to approach them and start the conversation to be able to ‘check in’. It is important to choose a suitable time and place to talk where you both feel comfortable, are unlikely to be disturbed and you are feeling calm. Ask yourself, am I ready to focus on the other person? Am I feeling able to help this person now? Sit close enough to be supportive but do not invade their personal space. Let them know you are concerned about them and want to check in that they are ok.
Helping Ourselves and Others
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