Lifeline Booklet 2021 Specific to S3
to professional help
WHAT IF THEY DON’T WANT HELP? 7 • Try to find out if there are any specific reasons why they do not want to seek help. They may be based on mistaken beliefs. You may be able help the person overcome their worry about seeking help. • If the person still does not want help after you’ve explored their reasons, let them know that if they change their mind in the future, they can contact you. • You must respect the person’s right not to seek help unless you believe their life is at risk or there may be a risk, they could harm someone else- if this is the case, ring 000 and stay with them until help arrives.
As an ‘accidental counsellor’ you are not expected to solve someone’s problems, give advice, or diagnose a condition. What is expected though, is that now you have undertaken this training, you will have awareness of support services available locally and online. It is important to ask the person if they need help to manage their feelings and if they do, be able to discuss and encourage the use of support available. As a start, encouraging them to see a GP is a good option (or speaking to HR if this is a work situation).
11 Helping Ourselves and Others
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