JCPSLP Voll 15 No 3 Nov 2013
Dr Nicole Byrne has worked as a speech pathologist for over 20 years, and is currently the team leader of the Kaleidoscope Community Based Speech Pathology services. Tania Lyddiard has worked as a paediatric speech pathologist for over 15 years and is the SP OOHC coordinator for Kaleidoscope Community Based Speech Pathology services. Windsor, J., Benigno, J., Wing, C., Carroll, P., Koga, S., Nelson, C., Fox, N., & Zeanah, C. (2011). Effect of foster care on young children’s language learning. Child Development , 82 (4), 1040–1046. Sedlak, A. J. (2001). A history of the National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect . Retrieved from US Department of Health and Human Services website https:// Snow, P., & Powell, M. (2011). Oral language competence in incarcerated young offenders: Links with offending severity. International Journal of Speech- Language Pathology , 13 (6), 480–489. Stone, S. (2007). Child maltreatment, out-of-home placement and academic vulnerability: A fifteen year review of evidence and future directions. Children and Youth Services Review , 29 (2),139–161. Sullivan, P., & Knutson, J. (2000). Maltreatment and disabilities: A population-based epidemiological study. Child Abuse and Neglect , 24 (10), 1257–1273. Webster, S., Temple-Smith, M. & Smith, A. (2012). Children and young people on out-of-home care: improving access to primary care. Australian Family Physician , 41 (10), 819–822 Westby, C., (2007). Child maltreatment: A global issue. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools , 38 (2), 140–148. McLeod, S., & McKinnon, D.H. (2007). The prevalence of communication disorders compared with other learning needs in 14,500 primary and secondary school students. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders , 42 (S1), 37–59. Nathanson, D., & Tzioumi, D. (2007). Health needs of Australian children living in out-of-home care. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health , 43 (10), 695–699. NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet. (2009). Keep them safe report: A shared approach to child wellbeing . Retrieved from pdf_file/0004/57145/Keep_Them_Safe.pdf NSW Ministry of Health. (2012) NSW Aboriginal health plan 2013–2023 . Retrieved from plan-2013-2023.aspx Roberts, J., Pollack., K., Krakow., R., Price., J., Fulmer., K., & Wang., P. (2005). Language development in preschool-age children adopted from China. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research , 48 (1), 93–107. Royal Australasian College of Physicians. (2006). Paediatric policy: Health of children in out-of- home care . Retrieved from au/index.cfm?objectid=7315DC15-D37F-8CFB- 1D4E3507F6617DD6
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Correspondence to: Tania Lyddiard Kaleidoscope Speech Pathology OOHC Belmont Hospital Croudace Bay Rd, Belmont NSW 2280 email: Tania.Lyddiard
JCPSLP Volume 15, Number 3 2013
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