JCPSLP Vol 21 No 3 2019
Maria Schwarz is an advanced speech pathologist at Logan Hospital, QLD, Australia. She holds a Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) and is currently completing her PhD at the University of Queensland. Anne Coccetti is the director of allied health at Logan Hospital, QLD, Australia. She previously held the position of director of speech pathology and audiology at Logan Hospital. She holds a Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours). Professor Elizabeth Cardell is the acting head of School of Allied Health Sciences, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Professor Cardell holds a Bachelor of Speech Therapy and a PhD. Tanya Hurst is a speech pathologist at Mater Hospital, QLD, Australia. She holds a Master of Speech Pathology Studies and a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology). Lucy Lyons is the speech pathology lead at Mater Hospital, QLD, Australia. She holds a Bachelor of Speech Pathology. Vitale, C. A., Berkman, C. S., Monteleoni, C., & Ahronheim, J. C. (2011). Tube feeding in patients with advanced dementia: Knowledge and practice of speech-language pathologists. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management , 42 (3), 366–378. doi:10.1016/j. jpainsymman.2010.11.017
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Correspondence to: Maria Schwarz email: phone: (07) 3299 8290
JCPSLP Volume 21, Number 3 2019
Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology
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