JCPSLP Vol 21 No 1 2019 Ethics_Education.aspx?hkey=64ff6a6c-e515-45ec-9159- a96d4cf6031a&WebsiteKey=fc2020cb-520d-405b-af30- fc7f70f848db Macer, J., & Fox, P. (2010). The use of a low-tech communication framework to facilitate annual GP health screening consultations: Supporting people with learning disabilities and mental health needs to express their views. Learning Disability Practice , 13 (9) 22–24. McNamara, N. (2012). Speech and language therapy within a forensic support service. Journal of Learning Disabilities and Offending Behaviour , 3 (2), 111–117. doi:10.1108/20420921211280097 Murphy, J. (2006). Perceptions of communication between people with communication disability and general practice staff. Health Expectations , 9 (1), 49–59. doi:10.1111/j.1369-7625.2006.00366.x Snow, P. C., & Powell, M. B. (2008). Oral language competence, social skills and high-risk boys: What are juvenile offenders trying to tell us? Children and Society , 22 , 16–28. doi:10.1111/j.1099-0860.2006.00076.x Snow, P. C., & Powell, M. B. (2011). Oral language competence in incarcerated young offenders: Links with offending severity. International Journal of Speech-

Language Pathology , 13 (6), 480–489. doi:10.3109/175495 07.2011.578661 Spilman, R. (2016). Talking Mats for capacity assessments with people with ASD/LD . Retrieved from assessments-with-people-with-asdld/ Speech Pathology Australia (2010). Code of ethics . Melbourne: Speech Pathology Australia. Retrieved from Members/Ethics/spaweb/Members/Ethics/Ethics. aspx?hkey=5c5556d0-327f-4d06-8e89-fd1a638e543a Mary Woodward (@_marywoodward) is a speech-language pathologist currently in the role of Speech Pathology Australia National Advisor, Justice and Mental Health. Suze Leitão (@ Suze_Freogirl) is a speech-language pathology lecturer and researcher, and is currently the Chair, Ethics Board, Speech Pathology Australia.

Correspondence to: Mary Woodward Speech Pathology Australia National Advisor, Justice and Mental Health email:


JCPSLP Volume 21, Number 1 2019

Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology

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