JCPSLP Vol 18 No. 1Mar 2016
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m man men mat mad map met mob mop mix mum mud mug n nap net nip nib not nod nut nun p pat pan pit pot pan pen pin peg pig pad pal pip pod pop pug pup Phonic Concept: sh/Sounding Out Strategy: phonemic spelling* sh (initial) sham shed ship shot shut shin shop sh (final) cash fish rush gash wish hush sash dish bash rash dash mash Phonic Concept: ch/Sounding Out Strategy: phonemic spelling* Phonic Concept: oa/Sounding Out Strategy: phonemic spelling* boat soap coat moat float toad soak oats road load roast croak moan goat loaf foam cloak throat coach boast coast toast groan toaster roach Phonic Concept: oe/Sounding Out Strategy: phonemic spelling* toe foe tiptoe goes doe Phonic Concept: ow/Sounding Out Strategy: phonemic spelling* snow bow sow tow mow low row show slow flow glow blow crow grow throw pillow fellow yellow willow shallow shadow window follow elbow ch (initial) chat chip chop chug chap chin chum ch (final) rich such much
Sample Foundation Words
YEAR 1 and 2
Sample Year 1 Words
NEW Demonstration video product/phonic-and-sight- word-sequence/
Phonic and Sight Word Sequence • 126 pages • How to instruct spelling
Literacy Movement & Motor Oral Language Prices exclude GST
Sample Year 2 Words
• Spelling group planning sheets • Tests to review spelling ability • Foundation to Year 3 Sight Words $69 Website Order Code: Bpsw ISBN: 978-1-921560-16-3
1000’s of spelling words for Foundation to Year 6
“Know that regular one-syllable words are made up of letters and common letter clusters that correspond to the sounds heard, and how to use visual memory to write high-frequency words”
ACARA - Aust. Curriculum (Year 1: Expressing and developing ideas/Spelling). Relevant spelling statements may also be found within ACARA Year 2-6.
Sample of a student’s spelling task.
Sample of a student’s spelling task.
Spelling Activities for the Junior Primary •A spelling activity resource (incorporating synthetic
phonics and linguistic theory) with three levels catering for the range in ability (i.e. delayed, average and advanced students). •A key resource when establishing a spelling program. •Assessment points are located at the base of each sheet (for students, a peer or teachers to rate task performance.) $75 Website Order Code: SAjp ISBN: 978-1-925057-04-1
Sample of a student’s spelling task.
NEW Demonstration video product/spelling-activities- for-the-junior-primary/
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