JCPSLP Vol 18 No. 1Mar 2016

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Parent education video clips product/3-year-old- comprehension-questions/ product/4-year-old- comprehension-questions/ product/more- comprehension-questions- for-4-year-olds/

EARLY YEARS 12 Movement & Motor Pre-Literacy Oral Language Prices exclude GST

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ISBN: 978-1-921560-22-4

ISBN: 978-1-921560-23-1

ISBN: 978-1-921560-90-3

The Comprehensive Questions Range Provides Full Year Programs The programs have been designed by Speech Pathologists for use in schools, day care and in the home. Each, full year, program presents the following: • A comprehension question pre-test and post-test which can be administered in under 5 minutes. • A list of recommended picture books specific to each target/age range. • A set of comprehension question cards designed to accompany each recommended picture book. Each question card outlines a sample of typical answers so that teachers and parents are clear on what constitutes age appropriate responses. • An instruction booklet that outlines how the comprehension question card sets can be presented to a whole class, small group or individual home setting. No. of Questions Complexity of Questions No. Question & Response Cards Mc3 (3 Yr Old Program) Up to 10 questions Mainly level 1 & 2 questions 35 cards Mc4 (4 Yr Old Program) Up to 12 questions Mainly level 2 & 3 questions 37 cards Mc4a (4 Yr Old Program) Up to 12 questions Mainly level 2 & 3 questions 12 cards

Example from 3 Year Old Comprehension Questions, Picture book: ABC Zoo

“Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media” EYLF (Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators)

Listen and Speak Posters These posters are ideal to be used at the beginning of each classroom lesson to remind students about “good listening and good speaking”. For young students highlight one or two aspects at one time (e.g. Looking at me, with your brain switched on). A3 Size: 420mmH x 297mmW $5.50 Website Order Code: Plis (Listen) (each) ISBN: 978-1-921560-40-8 Website Order Code:

Pspeak (Speak) ISBN: 978-1-921560-41-5

Parent education video clip product/listen-a3-poster/

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