JCPSLP Vol 18 No. 1Mar 2016
RachelMortonisaspeechpathologistatStVincent’sHospital, Melbourne,andcompletedthisresearchprojectaspartofthe MasterofSpeechPathologyattheUniversityofMelbourne. BronwynDavidsonPhDhasclinicalandresearchexperiencein thefieldofaphasiologyandisAssociateProfessorinspeech pathologyattheUniversityofMelbourne.DrMadelineCruiceis SeniorLectureinaphasiology,andProgrammeDirectorforthe MResinClinicalResearchatCityUniversityLondon,aprogramme thatdevelopsclinicalresearchinthealliedhealthprofessions, nursing and midwifery. World Health Organization. (2014). Definition of an older or elderly person. Retrieved 2 July 2014 from http://www. Raymond, E., Grenier, A., & Hanley, J. (2014). Community participation of older adults with disabilities. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 24, 50–62. Schmid, A. A., Damush, T., Tu, W., Bakas, T., Kroenke, K., Hendrie, H. C., &Williams, L. S. (2012). Depression improvement is related to social role functioning after stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93(6), 978–982. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2011.12.012 Shaw, B. A., Krause, N., Jersey, L., & Bennett, J. (2007). Tracking changes in social relations throughout late life. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 62(S90-S99). Stone, A. A., Shiffman, S., Schwartz, J. E., Broderick, J. E., & Hufford, M. R. (2002). Patient non-compliance with paper diaries. British Medical Journal, 324(7347), 1193–1194. Stone, A. A., Shiffman, S., Schwartz, J. E., Broderick, J. E., & Hufford, M. R. (2003). Patient compliance with paper and electronic diaries. Controlled Clinical Trials, 24(2), 182–199. Toepoel, V. (2013). Ageing, leisure, and social connectedness: How could leisure help reduce social isolation of older people? Social Indicators Research, 113(1), 355-372. doi: 10.1007/s11205-012-0097-6 Willer, B., Ottenbacher, K. J., & Coad, M. L. (1994). The Community Integration Questionnaire: A comparative examination. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 73(2), 103-111.
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Correspondence to: Rachel Morton St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne phone: (03) 9231 3840 email:
JCPSLP Volume 18, Number 1 2016
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