JCPSLP Vol 17 Supplement 1 2015_lores

The Scope of Practice This document describes the breadth of professional practice carried out within the speech pathology profession in Australia. It provides an overview of the ‘who, what, where, why, and how’ of speech pathology practice. It not only describes the knowledge and skill-set required by speech pathologists, but also the attitudes and ethical behaviours expected from members of the profession. au/library/Core_Assoc_Doc/Scope_of_ Practice.pdf

Competency-based Occupational Standards

This document sets out the Competency- based Occupational Standards (CBOS) and outlines the minimum skills, knowledge base and professional standards required for entry-level practice in speech pathology in Australia. au/library/Core_Assoc_Doc/CBOS_for_ Speech_Pathologists_2011.pdf

Code of Ethics

3.1Duties toourClientsand to theCommunity 3.1.1Consent We ensure informed consent hasbeen obtained from clients for the servicesweoffer. 3.1.2AccurateandTimely Information Wemake sure that our clients and the community receive accurate and current information in a timelymanner. This includes information relating to: • clinical assessment and research results and the implications of these; • the nature and extentof the services available to clients and the consequences of these services; • the commitment requiredby the client; • their rights; and • fees for services andother associated costs. We educate the community about communication, eating and drinkingdisorders, and the assistancewhich the speechpathology profession canprovide. Wedo notguarantee the resultsof a therapeuticprocedure or ofprescribeddevices or therapies unless this canbe reasonably expectedbasedon thebest available evidence. We ensureourpromotional and advertisingmaterials are accurate, basedon evidence anddo notmisrepresent theprofession. 3.1.3ProfessionalCompetence Wemake sure thatwe alwayspractise the highest standardsof professional competence. We fulfilour undertakings toour clients. Wemaintainour capacity and competence topractise. Inparticular,we: • continually update and extend ourprofessional knowledge and skills through activities such asparticipating inprofessional development, and/or engaging the supportof amentoror supervisor; • communicate ourprofessional opinion about clientmanagement toother teammembers in a timelymanner; • ensure thatour clients receive appropriate referrals so as to enable them to receive comprehensivediagnosis and treatment; • recogniseourcompetenceanddonotpracticebeyond these limits; • keep current and accuratedocumentation; • complywith theAssociation’s currentpositionpapers andbest practisedocuments. 3.1.4Confidentiality We treat as confidential all informationwe handle in the courseof ourprofessional services. Wedo notdisclose information aboutour clients, or the confidences they sharewith us, unless: • our clients consent to this; • the law requires us todisclose it;or • therearecompellingmoralandethical reasons forus todisclose it. 3.1.5ClientRelationships Wewill ensure thatwedo not exploit relationshipswithour clients for emotional, sexualor financial gain. 3.1.6ServicePlanningandProvision At all timeswe endeavour to ensureour services are accessible and there is equity of access to services for our clients; such equity beingdeterminedbyobjective considerationof need and not compromisedbyprejudiceor favour. We are innovative and evaluate the servicesweprovideon an ongoingbasis to ensure that they are as effective aspossible. Weprovide services only ifour clients can reasonably expect to benefit from them. We advocate for serviceswhere a need is identified. Wewill, in consultationwith our clients,make sure that their interests are expressed andprotected. 3.1.7SafetyandWelfare We take everyprecaution to ensure client safety,whether this is in everydaypractice,during the conductofprocedures and/orwithin clinical trials. We complywith all relevant legislation, standards andprocedures so as to avoid injury to our clients, our colleagues andmembers of thepublic. We ensure that the equipmentwe use (such as speech instrumentation) is calibrated and inproperworking order, andour resources (such as assessment tools and communication aids) are current, valid and culturally appropriate. 3.1.8Delegation We takeproper care and usediscretion toprotect thewell-being of clientswhendelegating speechpathologyprocedures to staff, carers, students and volunteers. We takeproper care and usediscretion toprotect thewell-being of clientswhen teaching speechpathologyprocedures to staff, carers, students and volunteers. 3.1.9PrivateBenefits Wedo not sell,buy, endorseorpromote the saleof servicesor products inways that exploitour relationshipswith clients. 3.2Duties toourEmployers 3.2.1ProfessionalConduct Weworkwith our employers toprovide safe, highquality care. Wemeetour responsibilities toour employersby: • exercisingdue care and attention todetail; • providing cost-effective servicewhilepreservingqualityof care; • contributing to thedevelopmentofour employers’policies and procedures; • alertingour employers to gaps in service andproactivelyoffering bestpractice solutions to these; • observing relevant statutes, legislation and regulation; and • observingour employers’Codes ofConduct. Ifaconflictarisesbetweenouremployers’policies/codesofconduct, legislative requirements andourprofessional values, codes and standards,we try to negotiate change through appropriate channels. If thisdoes not resolve the conflict,wemay seek the support of theAssociation in an ethical and confidentialmanner. 3.2.2ProfessionalCompetence We ensure thatwe followbestpractice standards. Inparticular,we: • strive to continually update and extend ourprofessional knowledge and skills; and • maintainquality and safe careofour clients. 3.2.3ViewsofEmployers We representour employers’ views fairly anddo notput forward ourpersonal views asbeing thoseofour employers. 3.2.4Confidentiality We treatasconfidential the informationwe receive in theworkplace.

3.2.5PrivatePractice Unlessnegotiatedaspartofouremploymentagreementwedonot: • conduct aprivatepractice in competitionwith our employers; • use the resources of employers forprivategain. 3.2.6PrivateBenefits Wedo notdirectlyor indirectlydemand or accept any rewards, bribes, substantial gifts, gratuities orbenefit in respect to ourwork. 3.3Duties toourProfessionandOurselves 3.3.1ProfessionalStandards We uphold and advance the values, ethics, knowledge and skills ofourprofession.We understand and reflect theCode in our everydaypractice anddealings as aprofessional. Inparticular,we: • hold appropriatequalifications; • practiseprofessionallywithin the scope of our level of education, training and expertise; • represent our training and competence accurately; • maintain, consolidate and extendour competence; • exercise independentprofessional judgmentwhenweprovide professional services; and • identify and act on concernswemay have about colleagues’ professional competence or conduct. 3.3.2Acknowledgment We acknowledge the contributionofothers and any other sourcesoforiginalmaterial in ourprintedor electronic resources, presentations and lectures. 3.3.3ProfessionalReputation We uphold the reputationofourprofession. We avoidbehaviour thatwouldbring theprofession intodisrepute, such as: • delivering serviceswhich research has shown tobe ineffective; • not fulfilling commitmentsmade implicitlyor explicitly; • disparaging the skills, knowledge or services of our colleagues. 3.3.4Supervision Weprovide appropriate supervision. We accept responsibility for clinical and support staff, students and volunteerswho are assigned to us. We take reasonable steps to ensure that those clinical staff and students under our supervision: • understand and apply ourCodeofEthics; and • operatewithin their levelof competence. Wedemonstrate anddiscuss ethicalpracticewith thosewe supervise to facilitate their ethical reasoning skills. 3.3.5PublicStatements Whenwemake apublic statement,we speakonbehalfof the Associationwhen: • Board has agreed to this in advance;or • thepublic statement ispartof an agreedAssociation strategy approvedbyBoard. Whenwemake apersonal statementorpublic comment,we ensure these statements are consistentwith current evidence and notmisleading. We ensureAssociation endorsed statements andourpersonal comments are attributed accurately. 3.3.6DevelopmentofourProfession We contribute to the knowledge and expertise ofourprofessionby: • sharing research and clinicalpractice knowledgewith colleagues whilemaintaining client confidentiality; • keeping adequate recordsofprofessional services; • preparing and keeping appropriatedocumentation,particularly in support of the choiceof interventions and theiroutcomes; • identifying and seeking to address critical issues inourprofession byparticipating indiscussion and constructive criticismwithin appropriateprofessional forums, including conferences and publications; • participating in the clinical education and supervisionof university andwork experience students; • creating andmaintaining researchopportunities and supporting research; • providingopportunities for and supporting colleagues todevelop theirprofessional identity, integrity and ethicalpractice. 3.3.7Conflictof Interest We avoid conflictsof interest. Inparticular,wedo not: • use inaccurate ormisleadingways topromote the sale or distribution ofproductsor services; • acceptprivate financialbenefits (including tips, commissions, or other rewards); • useour employers resources inappropriately forpersonal needs orbenefit;or • sellproducts to our clients unlesswe reasonablybelieve that theywillbeofbenefit. 3.3.8Research Whenwe undertake research,wemake sure that the research protocols: • respect the rights of the researchparticipants; and • complywith the ‘Health andResearchGuidelines’of theNational Health andMedicalResearchCouncil (2007). We communicate the results ofour researchorotherprofessional advancements in aprofessionalmanner toour colleagues and to the researchparticipants/our clientswhere appropriate. 3.4Duties toourColleagues 3.4.1ProfessionalStandards We treatourcolleagueswithhonesty, fairness, respectandgood faith. Wework co-operativelywith colleagues tomeet the needs of clients, the community and theprofessionby, for example, participating in research, student education and advocacy, and sharing our knowledge and expertise. We support our colleagues to reflect on theirpractice and professional conduct.We assist them to access relevant continuing education and supportwhen required. Wedo not exploit relationshipswith our colleagues, studentsor supervisors. 3.4.2OurStaff Ifwemanage, superviseor employ staffwe: • treat them fairlyandwithoutdiscrimination,bullyingorharassment; • inform them fully about their terms and conditions; • inform them about, and involve them in,decisionmaking processes, especially thosewhich affect their employment; • respect their industrial andprofessional rights; • make sure that they have equitable access to resources;

• make them aware of their rights if adispute arises and give them access to counselling support and advice; • give them regular supervision, feedback, and access to continuing education andmentoring; • recognise and,where appropriate, formally acknowledge their contributions to clinicalpractice, teaching, research or administration; and • classify and remunerate them appropriately. 3.4.3ProfessionalAssessments Whenwepresent aprofessional assessment (including a referee’s reportor aperformancemanagement report) about a colleague, wemeetour obligationsboth to that colleague and to the organisation concernedbybeing fullybriefed, accurate and fair. 3.4.4Conflictof Interest Weanticipate,discloseand resolveanypotential,perceivedoractual conflictsof interestproactively.Thismay include situations such as: • the selection, supervision and/or assessment of amemberof our family or someonewithwhomwe have a closepersonal, businessorprofessional relationship; or • working inbothprivatepractice andwithin thepublic system; • referring clients to thoseworking inprivatepracticewithwhom we have apersonal relationship. 3.4.5 IndependentDebate Wedefend andpromoteour own rights and the rightsof our colleagues toparticipate fully andopenly inpublicdebate. Understanding theCode When renewingourmembership to theAssociation each yearwe agree to abideby theCodeofEthics. Toensureourknowledge iscurrentandwehavemetourprofessional responsibility to know and understand theCode,wewill: • Read theCodeofEthics; • Discuss theCodewith colleagues through casediscussions, critique of articles andpositionpapers and reflection onourown practice; • Attend continuing educationopportunities related to theCode and to ethicalpractice; and • Access andwork through theAssociation’sEthicsEducation Package. Whatare yourobligations? Aswell asobserving theCodeofEthics, eachmember of the Associationmust: • complywith all the relevant laws and regulationswhichgovern thepractice of speechpathology in theStateor Territory inwhich amemberpractices; and • demonstrate the highest standardsof competentpractice asdescribed in suchdocuments asCompetency-based OccupationalStandards (CBOS). ReportingaPossibleBreachof theCodeofEthics If anymember of theAssociation suspects that theremay have been abreach of theCode ofEthics, thatmembermust report that possiblebreach to theAssociation. If amember is unsurewhether to report amatter, it is appropriate to contact theSeniorAdvisorEthics andProfessional Issues at NationalOffice, todiscuss the issue. If anyone else suspects that theremay havebeen abreachof theCode ofEthics, thatpersonmay report thatpossiblebreach to theSeniorAdvisorEthics andProfessional Issues. Fordetails on how theAssociationwill respond to these reports,please see the Association’sSpeechPathologyAustraliaEthicsBoard Procedures . In addition to thisdocument, there are two other related documents: SpeechPathologyAustraliaEthicsBoardProcedures and the SpeechPathologyAustraliaEthicsEducationPackage . DefinitionofTerms: Association meansTheSpeechPathologyAssociationof Australia Limited, trading asSpeechPathologyAustralia. CodeofEthics meansTheCodeofEthicsof theSpeech • what theproposed intervention entails; • whowill undertake the intervention; • how information relating to the clientwillbe used, andwho this mightbe sharedwith; • possible risks andbenefits of intervention (including the possibility thebenefitmay notbe realised); • the commitment required of the client, including any timeor costs involved; • thedegreeof uncertaintyof thediagnosis and any therapeutic outcome; and • whether the intervention is consideredbestpractice. Clients should alsobe informedofotheroptions fordiagnosis and intervention, and the likely outcome of notproceedingwith any intervention. Informed consent refers towhen the client is: • competent to give consent; • fully informed on risks,benefits and alternatives available; • hasgiven their consent freely; and • the consent is specific to the intervention or action. Clients have the right towithdraw their consent at any time. Where clients are unable toprovide informed consent (due to age, mental capacityor other reason) a substitutedecisionmaker as appropriate under the relevant state/territory legislation (e.g. legal guardian)mustperform this function. Board means theBoardofDirectorsof theSpeechPathology Association ofAustralia Limited. References WorldHealthOrganisation. (2007). International classificationof function,disability and health (ICF).Available at classifications/icf/en/ NationalHealth andResearchCouncil. (2007).Health and research ethicsguidelines.Available at ethics_guidelines.htm © 2010TheSpeechPathologyAssociation ofAustralia Limited. TheSpeechPathologyAssociation ofAustralia Limited T1300368835 PathologyAssociation ofAustralia Limited. Consent means the client is awareof the: • condition tobe treated or addressed; • the nature and seriousnessof this condition; Using thisCode ofEthics

It is fundamental to theprofessional responsibilitiesof speech pathologists thatwe observe the highest standards of integrity and ethicalpractice.

KeyPurposeStatement of ourProfession The speechpathologyprofession recognises the rightsof individuals topossess an effective form of communication and swallowing. Speechpathologists seek toprovideaquality,efficientandeffective service to individuals, the community and serviceproviders. We undertake to support individuals tomaximise their communication and swallowing functions to improve theirquality of life.This is achieved through assessment anddiagnosis, intervention, liaison, advocacy, community education and research. When undertaking thiswork,wedo sowith an awarenessof thebroader context of the individual and/or the community, as identified in theWorldHealth ‘InternationalClassification of Function,Disability andHealth (ICF)’ (2007). Scope andPurpose of theCode ofEthics ThisCode ofEthicsbinds eachmember of theAssociation.As a result it contributes to responsible speechpathologypractice and an ethical speechpathology community. Members of theAssociationmake a commitment to read, understand and then apply thisCodeofEthicswithin all professional interactions.This commitment is renewed annually through themembershipprocessof theAssociation. TheCode ofEthics includes: • the values ofourprofession; • theprinciples thatguide ethicaldecisions; and • the standardsof ethicalpractice, andprofessional conduct expected of speechpathologistsby theirpeers and the community. The values,principles and standards that comprise theCode support speechpathologists todemonstrateprofessionally acceptablebehaviour and take a leadership role inmanaging ethical issues in thepractice of speechpathology. TheCodeprovidesguidelines to identify and report abreach of ethicsorprofessional conduct. It forms thebasis for thedecisions ofourAssociation’sEthicsBoard. 1.Values We accept these fundamental valueswhich apply toour interaction withclients,colleagues,professionals,ourselvesand thecommunity. Integrity Inourprofessionalwork,we seek toprotect the individuality and privacyof allwithwhomwe interact. Inourprofessional judgementanddecisions,wedonotdiscriminate on thebasisof race, religion,gender, sexualpreference,marital status, age,disability,beliefs, contribution to society or We act in an objective andprofessionalmanner to help individuals, groups and communities,particularlywith regard to communication and swallowing. Weprovideprofessional services irrespective of ourpersonal interests, aims and opinions. RespectandCare We respect the rights anddignityofour clients andwe respect the context inwhich they live. Wemaintainourpersonal health andwellbeing to effectively fulfil ourprofessional responsibilities. QualityStandardsandContinuingCompetence We value knowledge sharing and the contribution thatothersmake to ourwork and ourprofession. Wemaintainour currency ofprofessional knowledge andpractice and acknowledge the limitsof these. We value clear and timely communicationwithour clients, the community and allwithwhomwe interact. We recognise and adhere to theprinciples of care, objectivity, accuracy and accountability in all activities. We accept the followingprinciples as thebasis forourdecision making. We recognise that theseprinciples are of equal value and are interrelated. 2.1Beneficenceandnon-maleficence We seek tobenefitothers throughour activities (beneficence). We also seek toprevent harm, anddo not knowingly cause harm (non-maleficence). 2.2Truth We tell the truth. 2.3Fairness (Justice) Weprovide accurate information. We strive toprovide clientswith access to services consistentwith their need. Wedeal fairlywith everyonewithwhomwe come in contact. 2.4Autonomy We respect the rightsofour clients to self-determination and autonomy. 2.5Professional integrity We are respectful and courteous. We are competent and follow theAssociation’sCode ofEthics. We honour our commitments to clients, colleagues and professionalorganisations. We complywith federal and state laws. socioeconomic status. Professionalism 2.Principles

3.Standards ofPractice

In thisCode,we identify the standards ofpracticewhich apply principally to:

• our clients and the community; • our employers and ourselves; • ourprofession; and • our colleagues.

TheCode is organised into these sections so that youmay choose to godirectly to the sectionmost relevant to your current need. TheStandardswhich applyprincipally to onegroupmay also apply to the othergroups, therefore there is some repetition.

2nd edition

The Ethics Education Package To access this package – log in to SPA via

The Code of Ethics poster


JCPSLP Volume 17, Supplement 1, 2015 – Ethical practice in speech pathology

Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology

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