JCPSLP Vol 17 No 3 2015

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Claire Marsh is a 2014 Flinders University of SA Masters graduate, speech pathologist at Disability Services, and research assistant. Daniel Lawrence is a 2014 Flinders University of SA Masters graduate and speech pathologist at the Department for Education and Child Development, SA. Sarahlouise White , PhD, is a lecturer in speech pathology at Flinders University of SA. Sue McAllister , PhD, is head of speech pathology and audiology, Flinders University of SA. Guided play: Where curricular goals meet a playful pedagogy. Mind, Brain, and Education , 7 (2), 104–112. Wendt, O. (2006). Developing critically appraised topics (CATs) . 7th Annual Conference, Division of Augmentative & Alternative Communication, ASHA, San Antonio, TX, USA. Van Oers, B., & Duijkers, D. (2012). Teaching in a play-based curriculum: Theory, practice and evidence of developmental education for young children. Journal of Curriculum Studies , 45 (4), 511–534. doi:10.1080/0022027 2.2011.637182 Walsh, G., McGuinness, C., Sproule, L., & Trew, K. (2010). Implementing a play-based and developmentally appropriate curriculum in Northern Ireland primary schools: what lessons have we learned? Early Years , 30 (1), 53–66. doi:10.1080/09575140903442994 Walsh, G., Sproule, L., McGuinness, C., & Trew, K. (2011). Playful structure: A novel image of early years pedagogy for primary school classrooms. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development , 31 (2), 107–119. Wechsler Objective Language Dimensions. (1996). WOLD Test of Written Expression . London: The Psychological Corporation. Weisberg, D., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. (2013).

Correspondence to: Associate Professor Sue McAllister Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology Flinders University of SA GPO 2100, Adelaide, 5001, SA phone: +61 8 82045942 email:


JCPSLP Volume 17, Number 3 2015

Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology

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