JCPSLP Vol 16 no 3 2014_FINAL_WEB
Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge the careful guidance and expert advice from my two doctoral supervisors – Professor Mike Keppell and Professor Stephen Loftus. I would also like to acknowledge the ten honours students, who gave their time willingly to offer me deep insight into their experiences. This study would not have been possible without their participation. References Andrew, N., Ferguson, D., Wilkie, G., Corcoran, T., & Simpson, L. (2009). Developing professional identity in nursing academics: The role of communities of practice. Nurse Education Today , 29 (6), 607–611. Badger, F. J., Daly, W., & Clifford, C. (2012). Educating tomorrow’s clinical researchers: A review of research preparation in undergraduate education. Nurse Education Today , 32 (7), 737–743. doi: nedt.2012.04.010 Barnett, R. (2004). Learning for an unknown future. Higher Education Research & Development , 23 (3), 247–260. Bartunek, J. M., Trullen, J., Bonet, E., & Sauquet, A. (2003). Sharing and expanding academic and practitioner knowledge in health care. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy , 8 (Suppl 2), S2: 62–68. Brew, A. (2003). Teaching and research: new relationships and their implications for inquiry-based teaching and learning in higher education. Higher Education Research and Development , 22 (1), 3–18. Cusick, A. (2000). Practitioner-researchers in occupational therapy. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal , 47 (1), 11–27. Cusick, A. (2001). The experience of clinician-researchers in occupational therapy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy , 55 (1), 9–18. Dadds, M. (2008). Empathetic validity in practitioner research. Educational Action Research , 16 (2), 279–290. Dall’Alba, G. (2004). Understanding professional practice: Investigations before and after an educational programme. Studies in Higher Education , 29 (6), 679–692. Dall’Alba, G. (2009). Learning professional ways of being: Ambiguities of becoming. In G. Dall’Alba (Ed.), Exploring education through phenomenology: Diverse approaches (pp. 41–52). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Everingham, F., & Irwin, J. (2001). Knowledge and practice in the education of health and human service professionals. In J. Higgs & A. Titchen (Eds.), Professional practice in health, education and the creative arts (pp.212– 226). Carlton, Australia: Blackwell Science. Fish, D., & Coles, C. (2005). Medical education: Developing a curriculum for practice . Berkshire UK: McGraw-Hill Education. Grace, S., Higgs, J., & Ajjawi, R. (2009). Writing phenomenonologically. In J. Higgs, D. Horsfall & S. Grace
Dr Caroline Robinson is the Courses Director in the School of Community Health at Charles Sturt University. Her research focuses on the development of undergraduate students as allied health practitioners. A., & Hutchins, P. (2008). The formation of scholars: rethinking doctoral education for the twenty-first century. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. (Eds.), Writing qualitative research on practice (pp. 115– 126). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. Higgs, J., Fish, D., & Rothwell, R. (2004). Practice knowledge: Critical appreciation. In J. Higgs, B. Richardson & M. Dahlgren (Eds.), Developing practice knowledge for health professional (pp. 89–104). Sydney: Butterworth Heinemann. Kiley, M., Boud, D., Cantwell, R., & Manathunga, C. (2008). The role of honours in contemporary Australian higher education . Canberra: Australian Learning and Teaching Council. Kilpatrick, K. (2008). Praxis and the role development of the acute care nurse practitioner. Nursing Inquiry , 15 , 116–126. Liamputtong, P. (2010). Research methods in health: Foundations for evidence-based practice . Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Loftus, S., & Trede, F. (2009). Hermeneutic writing. In J. Higgs (Ed.), Writing qualitative research on practice (pp. 61–72). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. Robinson, C. J. (2011). The practice–research nexus in allied health: Practitioner-researchers or practitioners and researchers? Journal of Foot and Ankle Research , 4 (Suppl 1), 1–1. doi: 10.1186/1757-1146-4-S1-P51 Solomon, S. S., Tom, S. C., Pichert, J., Wasserman, D., & Powers, A. C. (2003). Impact of medical student research in the development of physician-scientists. Journal of Investigative Medicine , 51 (3), 149–156. Tierney, W. G., & Holley, K. A. (2008). Inside Pasteur’s quadrant: Knowledge production in a profession. Educational Studies , 34 (4), 289–297. Trede, F., & Loftus, S. (2010). Hermeneutic research: Exploring human understanding. In J. Higgs, N. Cherry, R. Macklin & R. Ajjawi (Eds.), Researching practice: A discourse on qualitative methodologies (pp. 185–195). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. Walker, G. E., Golde, C. M., Jones, L., Conklin Bueschel,
Correspondence to: Dr Caroline Robinson Charles Sturt University School of Community Health PO Box 789 Albury, NSW, 2640 phone: (02) 6051 9242 email:
JCPSLP Volume 16, Number 3 2014
Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology
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