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Aria May graduated from Curtin University in 2010 with a Bachelor of Science (Speech Pathology) with First Class Honours. Aria is currently working with children with special needs, and continues to be passionate about the needs of children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD). Dr Cori Williams lectures and supervises research at Curtin University in WA. She has always been interested in the needs of children with speech and language difficulties from CALD. This project allowed her to use her interest in this area to investigate assessment of language impairment in children learning English as a second language. outcomes at 15 years of children with a preschool history of speech-language impairment. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , 47 , 759–765. doi:10.1111/j.1469- 7610.2006.01631.x Rescorla, L. (1989). The Language Development Survey: A screening tool for delayed language in toddlers. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders , 54 (4), 587–599. Ring, E. D., & Fenson, L. (2000). The correspondence between parent report and child performance for receptive and expressive vocabulary beyond infancy. First Language , 20 , 141–159. doi:10.1177/014272370002005902 Saenz, T. I., & Huer, M. B. (2003). Testing strategies involving least biased language assessment of bilingual children. Communication Disorders Quarterly , 24 , 184–193. doi:10.1177/15257401030240040401 Sivberg, B. (2003). Parents’ detection of early signs in their children having an autistic spectrum disorder. Journal of Pediatric Nursing , 18 , 433–439. doi:10.1016 /S0882- 5963(03)00139-8 Snowling, M. J., Bishop, D. V. M, Stothard, S. E., Chipchase, B., & Kaplan, C. (2006). Psychosocial

Correspondence to: Aria May Speech Pathologist Therapy Focus Perth, Western Australia email:


JCPSLP Volume 14, Number 1 2012

Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology

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