JCPSLP VOL 15 No 1 March 2013
Gillian Steel is a PhD student at La Trobe University. Miranda Rose is an ARC Future Fellow and senior research fellow at La Trobe University. Patricia Eadie is a speech pathologist and researcher with expertise in childhood language disorders at the University of Melbourne. Verhoeven, L., Aparici, M., Cahana-Amitay, D., van Hell, J., Kriz, S., & Viguie-Simon, A. (2002). Clause packaging in writing and speech: A cross-linguistic developmental analysis. Written Language and Literacy , 5 (2), 135–162. Westby, C. (1998). Communication refinement in school age and adolescence. In W. Hayes & B. Shulman (Eds.), Communication development: Foundations, processes, and clinical applicatons (pp. 311–360). Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins. adult conversation. Journal of Communication Disorders , 37 (6), 517–533. Nippold, M., Hesketh, L., Duthie, J., & Mansfield, T. (2005). Conversational versus expository discourse: A study of syntactic development in children, adolescents and adults. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research , 48 , 1048–1064. Nippold, M., Mansfield, T., Billow, J., & Tomblin, J. B. (2008). Expository discourse in adolescents with language impairments: Examining syntactic development. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology , 17 (4), 356–367. Novogrodsky, R., & Friedmann, N. (2006). The production of relative clauses in syntactic SLI: A window to the nature of the impairment. Advances in Speech-Language Pathology , 8 (4), 364–375. Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G., & Svartvik, J. (1985). A comprehensive grammar of the English language . London: Longman. Scott, C. (1988a). Producing complex sentences. Topics in Language Disorders , 8 (2), 44–62. Scott, C. (1988b). Spoken and written discourse. In M. Nippold (Ed.), Later language development: Ages nine through to nineteen (pp. 49–95). Boston: College-Hill Press. Scott, C. (2009). A case for the sentence in reading comprehension. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools , 40 (2), 184–192. Scott, C., & Windsor, J. (2000). General language performance measures in spoken and written narrative and expository discourse of school-age children with language learning disabilities. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research , 43 , 324–339. Steel, G., Rose, M., Eadie, P., & Thornton, R. (in press). Assessment of complement clauses: A comparison between elicitation tasks and language sample data . International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology . Steffani, S. A. (2007). Identifying embedded and conjoined complex sentences: Making it simple. Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders , 34 , 44–54. Tomblin, B. J., Zhang, X., Buckwalter, P., & Catts, H. W. (2000). The association of reading disability, behaviour disorders and language impairment among second grade children. Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry , 41 , 473–482.
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Correspondence to: Gillian Steel School of Human Communication Sciences La Trobe University, Kingsbury Drive, Bundoora 3083 email:
JCPSLP Volume 15, Number 1 2013
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