JCPSLP July 2014_Vol16_no2

Appendix. An example of a typical intervention week for PC3

Vocabulary Objectives: • Highlight key words within the context of the text (e.g., marvellous, underneath, worried) • Provide student friendly definitions • Teacher provides examples of the word within different context • Students build receptive knowledge of the word by identifying correct or incorrect examples of situations that teacher reads out • Word is continually repeated and a class action is created.

Whole class

Group 4: Sentence structure Objectives: • Select two pictures and form a sentence using AND sentence strip • Create simple past tense sentences with visuals from the book.

Group 3: Vocabulary Objectives: students participate in a variety of interactive activities: • Choose which of two alternatives illustrates the target word (e.g., which is marvellous? Winning a race OR losing a race) • Students answer complex questions (e.g., what might make you worried when you are looking after a dog?)

Group 2: Phonological awareness Objectives: use words, phrases and pictures from the book to target: • Syllables • Rhyme • Segmenting • First and last sound identification Target two skills at the groups level

Group 1: Story grammar • Sequencing pictures of the book • Modelled retell • Students retell parts of the story

Small group


Sentence structure Objectives:

Whole class

• Use “and” to join sentences from the book (e.g., bear stomped his feet AND moose pointed his finger) • Discuss regular past tense endings using actions from the book (e.g., she clipped off her wool) • Complete activities using visuals (e.g., Board maker icons for Who, What and sentence strips)

Group 4: Vocabulary (plan as per Monday small group)

Group 3: Phonological awareness (plan as per Monday small group)

Group 2: Story grammar (plan as per Monday small group)

Group 1: Sentence structure (plan as per Monday small group)

Tuesday Small group

Phonological awareness Objectives: practise identifying syllables in words • Use target words from the book (e.g., bear, marvellous) • Whole body movements to increase engagement (e.g., jumping on bear prints)

Whole class

Group 4: Phonological awareness (plan as per Monday small group)

Group 3: Story grammar (plan as per Monday small group)

Group 2: Sentence structure (plan as per Monday small group)

Group 1: Vocabulary (plan as per Monday small group)

Small group


Story grammar Objectives: • Read the story – highlighting specific story grammar elements as you read.

Whole class

• Discuss require all the parts to make a complete story • Focus on characters identification and description

Group 2: Story Grammar (plan as per Monday small group)

Group 2: Sentence Structure (plan as per Monday small group)

Group 2: Vocabulary (plan as per Monday small group)

Group 1: Phonological Awareness (plan as per Monday small group)

Small group


Note: Whole class: teacher led; 30 minutes Small group: 1 adult facilitator (classroom teacher or teacher aide) leads each group, 30 minutes, class splits into 4 groups, 4–6 students in each.


JCPSLP Volume 16, Number 2 2014

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