Eco equestrian July 2020

Onsequos qui omnis re, conse- rume lictem sant quae con com- niet amuscia cuptaquos simus as si unteped. Nam, seque sequia

I n order to help your horse’s natural healing process it is necessary to understand the stages of wound healing. The stages of wound healing are predictable and each stage needs to be completed for full healing to occur. The key is to begin treatment early. The first healing stage happens from the time of onset of the injury through to around day 4. Known as the inflammatory stage, this is when the bleeding stops after clotting and inflammatory cells move to the wound area. The

immune system is triggered into action to prevent microbes entering the wound. The second stage is proliferative and can take between 2 to 6 weeks. A variety of factors can influence the length of this stage. This stage sees new blood vessels form and collagen is deposited into the wound bed. Tissue forms to fill in the wound and the wound edges begin to close. Maturation is the final stage and this stage can be lengthy and can take up to 12 months to complete. This phase also called the remodelling stage, happens after the wound has closed and scar tissue forms.


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