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Expanded Scope an umbrella term used to include full, advanced and extended scopes of practice. It includes delegation, and expanded scope of practice has been defined as referring “ to any role or task that would result in an expansion to the current scope of practice for a profession within a particular context ”.
has been defined as “ the full spectrum of roles, functions, responsibilities, activities and decision-making capacity that individuals within the profession are educated, competent and authorised to perform. The full scope of a profession is set by professional standards and in some cases legislation.” (Allied Health Professions Office Queensland, 2016). In addition, it is important to note, that this organisations’ working definition of ‘full scope’ also states that, “working to full scope of practice does not necessarily equate to advanced clinical practice” and that the “advanced practice model relies on appropriate delegation” (Allied Health Professions Office Queensland, 2013).
Full Scope
The term “specialist” is legislated in Australia to be used only be the medical professions, dentistry or podiatric surgeons. (AHPRA, 2013).
The term “consultant” is used in both the UK to describe a nation-wide expert in their field, this would correlate to a higher level of “advanced practice” as it falls within the recognised scope of the profession.
* In some settings, particularly rural or remote, the term ‘specialist generalist’ has been used. This term could correlate to an “advanced scope practice focussing on breadth” within the draft definitions proposed below.
The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited ABN 17 008 393 440
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